Teen kills someone and gets only 6 years in jail

Started by Hobbit, Jun 19 07 02:46

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Reading this article that a [A href="http://www.virtualvancouver.com/news/sixyearsjail.html"]Vancouver teen was sentenced to 6 years[/A] in jail after killling a Port Coquitlam man in a fatal stabbing. I think it's so wrong that teens get off lightly for committing serious crimes. Not to mention what the hay is up with the legal system when this teen is out on the streets after being charged ten different times with committing crimes. It sends clearly the wrong message to young offenders that it's alright to commit crimes and the legal system will let 'em off the hook or let 'em go with a light punishment.

  What about the families of the victim who have to spend their whole lives without their son? Where's the justice?


Where's the justice.? What did you really expect. The law is written by a bunch of lawyers and judges whose best interest lies with the criminals and not the victims. It is to their advantage nay their very survival that these criminals recieve the lightest sentence possible. If not for these scum, those high priced lawyers would be asking "would you like some fries with that order".


So the YOA is a joke - nothing new, get over it!