Vancouver olympic real estate prices

Started by Hobbit, Jun 14 07 10:38

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not saying tear down the BC Stadium (although I believe its a goner after 2010) or GM Place. But when it comes time to replace that puppy. I say don't replace it. Portland turned their downtown highway into a park.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I sure don't have any problem with parks, but Vancouver has Stanley Park......a 1000 acre park (amongst many others). It'd be kinda hard to place hockey in a park.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


well roads are like a black hole, they're going to have to be replaced sometime and since back in the 70's Vancouver rightly decided to stop the highway plans from gutting the city and killing it. Why not take it down? What's the point of having it? Or is the city just using it as a monument to commerate the day the will of the people fought back and won?  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

nba fan

The Olympics is positive for both the city of Vancouver and for real estate prices there.  I heard that there's a condo going for $18M because Vancouver is an international city etc. now.  This increase can only be positive for the economy and area residents.  

Even if you look at Seattle there is a building explosion in the downtown area with condos going up all over.  Vancouver being on the West coast can only help Seattle too.  Even the BC permier was down here drumming up Olympica talk with our officials last week.  Moreover on that same site about Vancouver [A href=""]housing slump in the US[/A] it basically has insulated the West from such a downturn.  A quick look at real estate classifieds in the west such as or even [A href=""]Vancouver Real Estate[/A] or whatever confirms that there really is no such concern here for now in the West.

  Show me where I'm wrong

  P.S.  Go Spurs


Coincidentally, though not surprising, today's [A href=""]Vancouver Top News[/A] story is about unaffordable home prices. It says that up to 70% of the average household's income in Vancouver is used for housing costs + utilities + taxes. Hope RBC didn't waste too much money on it's report - next time tell us something we don't already know.  


The market in Vancouver has nowhere to go but down.  Give me a break re. that penthouse at 1000 Beach Ave. listed at $18.2 million.  Great views of clouds and rain 8-10 months of the year.  Vancouver is NOT a world class city because it rains more than London which is world class because it was the centre of the western world for decades a century or so ago.  Vancouver is the gateway to Asia.
C'mon, the city is sleeping!