good news

Started by Michel, Jun 13 07 04:29

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Good luck to find a ménage à trois, let even more if you speak English only...


  Don't forget : Vi zare French, vi mazke love betthere !


who says?
I think its a myth.
Just like saying germans are hot heads.
And italians are horny
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Of course it's a myth... not !


but still, Montréal indeed have those clubs...


yeah it made news down here.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


What?  Italians are horny!  LOL  I know a guy who is pure Italian.....mmmmmmmm.....


whatch out for the bambini then !


 well at least the italian women are. They did a sex study and the most satisfied bunch was the Canadians and least satified was the Italians.
Italian men are known to have mistresses plus their wife.
The PM of Italy before last had two I believe. They aren't the most faithful bunch.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Hey sportsdude, I just check your profile. Have you ever been to Cahokia Mounds? Is the population of your town know well this place ?


yeah I went there on a field trip in 2nd grade. Its indian mounds next to the river which is now in the ghetto. Not the safest of places to go anymore. They don't take kids on field trips there anymore.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


lol OK !

  Been there in 1997 on a road trip to the SW USA from Montréal.


You did! cool. Hope you enjoyed our crowning acheivement that we are so proud of [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]East and North Saint Louis[/span] I mean the Arch!  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Oh that big stuff ? I saw it from the back of a pick up that gave me a ride from Utah on the I-70 in 1982. There was 2 other hitch-hikers at the back and they asked me : WTF is that ? lol sorry but even some yanks don't know the arch, amazingly I must say...


Michel, your boss is coming around the corner.  Better pretend you're working. ;)


oh it's ok she has something for the frenchies he he !
