I\'m gonna make a confession, right here. How many of you out there are old enough to remember a Cartoon from about 1980, called: \"Battle of the Planets?\" For those of you, whom the name rings a bell - I\'ll fill in the gaps. It was an early Anime type series, that was based on the premise of these 5 kids, who all wore these bird costumes & called themselves \"G-Force.\" Is the memory becoming a little clearer? Anyway, my \"big confession\" is that when I was a kid, watching this show, I was attracted to Mark, the leader of G-force. Then, I was attracted to Princess - especially in ger thigh-high boots. I guess it was because the characters were so perfectly sculpted (How could the NOT be, it\'s a flippin\' CARTOON!) that I was attracted to their bodies in their skin tights, Mark\'s bulging manhood sticking out, like a cameltoe. Actually, now that I think about it, I\'m kind of amazed that they let such suggestively dressed characters be shown on television. Especially to an audience of young, impressionable children, whom were soon to discover their sexuality. I mean, such a show could easily confuse a young man as he struggles to straighten out his own Sexual Orientation during his soon to follow Pubescent years. I mean, certainly today, I would choose Princess over any other of the characters, including the magnificently Charismatic Mark. There. I\'ve just re-affirmed my Hetrosexuality. Whew! ok. I\'m not a Homot.