No, I wouild agree that the forum owner should have the option to determine its raison detre. But, in the case of DV, it would appear that any and all topics are acceptable, unless they are seen to contravene Canadian hate legislation. Now....that is a bit dicey too since there is a degree of subjectivity , or at least a law degree requirement to assertain exectly where my right to speak and the limits of the law conjoin.
Good News, America is collapsing was a typical anti USA thread. I countered it with " Good News, Canada is collapsing" followed quickly with Good News, Multiculturalism is collapsing. I suspect it may have been this latter that caused the ban.
This latter topic may appear a bity harsh and could be construed as racist, I suppose. However, I happen to feel that multiculturalism as a government policy to create national unity is questionable and a legitimate topic of debate in a free society. Apparently, not.