Interview Questions

Started by Lise, Apr 05 07 09:53

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 my route alone makes 42 dollars a night x 6.  That's 252 a week, 504 a pay cheque (every 2 weeks).
But I also do my dad's sunday times route which itself is 60 bucks just for one day.
That's 564 every two weeks working 7 days a week.
Now, I also do a part of my dad's route he gives me another days pay in doing that. Which is 42 dollars.
564+42= 606 a every 2 weeks
1,012 a month

I used to do a route that had a bunch of office buildings, office buildings mean big $$$$$ because its all Wall Street journals which is the big paper, you get like 20 cents a paper a for it.  That route was 660 every two weeks but I had to give it up.
Now I could do my old route with the office buildings + the route I'm doing now = a lot of money.  Problem is I don't own that route anymore.
(its independent contracting, we used to have three routes, one in my name, my mom's, and my dad's, dad got rid of mine the cash cow route because it just couldn't work out)
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 Lil Me wrote:
SD- your dad sounds like a very hardworking person.  Most of us are like your dad in that we do whatever we need to in order to pay the bills, etc.  He's been doing it for his family, so count yourself lucky.  When you're living totally on your own and buying your own food, your opinions will probably be different.  

I know, part of the speed bumps I went through over the past few years are a result of me throwing papers. I started on my 18th birthday for example (the earliest you could start).  And I threw papers and went to school on no sleep for a couple months but fell apart. My dad feels responsible for that, but I had to do it for the family.
Dropping out of school is never fun but that's what happened.
Took me 3 years to recover. lol

He's been doing this since '94.  All he does is work, work, work. Now he doesn't even go on family vacations. Its just my mom, sis and I now. I miss my old dad.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


its not all roses......think of fuel expenses and auto wear and tear/depreciation


yeah I fill up twice a week so that's 60 bucks. Tires only last 1/4 of the year brakes get replaced at 15,000 miles and of course I've tend to run into things, which is demoralizing. I got in two accidents within 3 weeks apart.  Even told dad I quit because I'm bankrupting everyone.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Your math still confuses      1,012 a month is a little different than $400 a week.

And if you're making that kind of money for an hour and a half a night, KEEP THE JOB !!!!
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Sportsdude wrote:
my route alone makes 42 dollars a night x 6.  That's 252 a week, 504 a pay cheque (every 2 weeks).
But I also do my dad's sunday times route which itself is 60 bucks just for one day.
That's 564 every two weeks working 7 days a week.
Now, I also do a part of my dad's route he gives me another days pay in doing that. Which is 42 dollars.
564+42= 606 a every 2 weeks
1,012 a month
  Sportsdude, you getting screwed!

   $504 (2 weeks @ $252/week)

+  120 (2 Sundays @ $60/Sunday)

+    84 (2 days of dad's route @ $42/day)

Biweekly total...$708

Monthly total (say 4 weeks)..... $1416    


I'm not getting rid of the job. Just hate that I have to do it because its a very lonely depressing job. The job drives you nuts, especially when you want to be around people your own age.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sportsdude wrote:
I'm not getting rid of the job. Just hate that I have to do it because its a very lonely depressing job. The job drives you nuts, especially when you want to be around people your own age.  
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]Sounds like a dillemma to me.  (Uh, it's a dillemma, right?  I get confused with the definition at times)  You need it but you can't get out of it even if it drives you nuts.

SD, the thread hijacker!  And I thought that I WAS BAD!  Glad to know that I'm not the worst one. ;)


Yup, the job black mails yeah, you want to get out because your around shady people at night, and you have in my case been doing this since you were 18. Instead of working with people your own age, making friends, hanging around kids my age group; I'm around people who are poor, been in jail, or are barely surviving, and frauds.
But then the job pays well, but the downsides are starting to out weigh the negatives.  I've seen so many people leave this job, new people come in every couple of months. Its so bad I'm now one of the longest working people at work. And I'm only 20!
ugh the job gets to you but then the pay is good, hence why my dad has never been able to let it go, a lot of people are like that doing this job.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
