The situation so far, as we see it, Moolaff started trashing DV a little harher than usual, and your moderator commented that perhaps this was a bit over the top, and then Moolaff went berserk.
Is this about right so far? Ok, so then he flipped out so bad, lashing out in all directions, particularly trashing your mild-mannered moderator so grossly that you had no choice but to ban his silly ass.
So now he's on DV, trashing DS. It's like he's in a pissing match with himself, between Seattle and Van. This long-distance pissing match would be amusing for us here in Blaine, if not for the terrible fallout we're getting here. Say this for Moolaff, he's not too bright, but he's one serious pisser. Is he on diuretics for his high blood-pressure?
We Blaine-ites would like to put forth a modest proposal. We'll let him post here, on a provisional basis, to see how it works out because frankly, we'd rather have him inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in, if you get our drift.
Plus, obviously, we need the hits, so we're ready to take a chance, even on a loser like Moolaff, who's managed to crash and burn on two forums without any help from anybody. Well, very little anyway.