Drinking/partying experiences...share here

Started by pitbullca.bc, Apr 02 07 09:40

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LOL...REBEL?  Hahaha...wouldn't have been such a "rebel" if my mom wasn't such a sucker! LOL
yeah...but I think that even smoking weed smells bad.  It burns the throat too...and the best way to get the most out of it..isn't to smoke it like a cigarette...but to drag..inhale...and hold.  When you blow out...you should see next to no smoke...that them means you got the best of it!


It also kills your brain cells. No wait..... that's being on DS.... what am I talking about? *inhales then smokes DS puffs*
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


I would talk about partying and all that great stuff...but I really can't remember it..or a good portion of the mid to late 90s.

settled down around the age of 22 and chilled on the drinking/smoking. Now I will just have a few brews from time to time.


 When I was younger I was quite the party fiend. I estimate I must have drank a few railroad tank cars worth of beer and toked couple of metric tons of de ganja, mon. My body wasn't a temple, it was an amusement park...

But now I'm an old fogey- a couple of beers and I'm leaving lip-prints on the carpet...
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


LOL! I hear that. My pores reaked of skunk in the 90s! Bwauauahaahaha.

  Now a few beers are more than enough. I think I just fell in love with coffee and it took over my life....now I need some...GIMME SOME COFFEE!!!!!

Caramel Kisses

Yup drinking now is not much fun, the older I get the faster I get drunk and the next day is really rough. Feel sick and major headaches.  


"Neither was I, but I spent a lot of time at the "library" and went on a lot of school trips."


My physcian growing up was this funny asian guy who was in a Japanese interment camp during ww2, he always told me that the girls 'going places' were at the library. lol
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


VPL 3rd floor is the best location for anything, 360!!!!!!1 ;)


lol everytime, he brought up girls he'd bring up the library. lol!!!!  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Unfortunately, persian goth chicks don't hang out at the library.  Perhaps they hang out at Blenz on the corner of Robson and Bute.  I'm totally missing out... :(((