Going to a cabin advice

Started by Lise, Mar 21 07 12:19

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 If the motel room has been vacant for long especially in the cooler months always check the toilet for ass biting spiders first before using.


I generally eat healthy, until I go camping. I love those smokies with the jalapeno cheese in the middle and they drip grease over the campfire. When you eat one, it pretty much cuts your life short by a month.  

Lil Me

Me too.  I'm a junk food fiend on car camping trips.  Frit-O-Lay Munchie mix, smokies, mini cinnamon buns, and Growers cider.

  Still pretty healthy on backpacking trips and in cabins.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Oh yes, I eat healthy, until snack time around the campfire. As if you can only eat 1 Smore!?!!


chicken, steak, turkey, smokies, burgers, egg mcmuffin ripoffs.

  When I go camping I make sure theres a selection and everyone eats good. You need to keep your energy and strength up when you are camping.

  Hey Lise, if you are looking for a good portable bbq, they have some half stainless half black ones on sale at costco right now. Ive had one before and Im just getting ready to get a new one soon.. after two years of abuse.    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Many of the cabins come with bar-b's and some with hot tubs and or jacuzzi tubs.  (I'd check in advance as to which one you have Lise).
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Make sure to pack a lot of sexy undies. Why?

I just want to picture Lise in sexy undies, thats all..


 Any time I\'ve camped in Washington I\'ve always stepped in Smores.


i usually picture lise out of her sexy undies.


*blesses* for kingy!


You guys are too naughty!!
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


And aren't you glad we are?
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Gopher!! Long time no see!! It's good to hear your voice again.

  And yes, the answer to your question is, always yes. *looks around and checks to see if hubby is hanging around*
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Good to have 'proper' contact with you again too - after so long. (Not that I would dream of suggesting that of late we've only had improper contact, of course).  
A fool's paradise is better than none.


arkady wrote:
Any time I've camped in Washington I've always stepped in Smores.
  I do too cause they fall apart all the time and then hit the ground. either that or fall into the fire.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims
