teehee wrote:
its amusing how big of a bone you people have for mike and dv.
"You people"? lol! A couple of people dare to discuss DV here without your permission, and that gets your panties in a wad? lol!!!
I personally don't care one way or the other... but if people want to discuss DV here, that's okay by me. And apparently it's important enough to you to come here and post a message about it, so I guess that makes you one of "you people" too.
is there honestly NOTHING at all going on in seattle to talk about?
No, nothing whatsoever at all. Not a damn thing. It's like the whole city is empty.
Is that really the only purpose of this site, a place to vent your love/hate relationship with that other site?
No, it's not, but I'd hardly expect you people to figure that out.