LOL on the relatives. Just really want to find my grandpa's old village in Hungary. I think that would be thrilling and then grandma's coal mine (which probably is a memorial now) in Poland somewhere.
hmmm on your list I've done the cow, dolphin, limo, manatee. Yup.
Yeah thats a really long long list but I think I can do a lot of the Canada adventures during the summers in university over the next couple of years. There's got to be college age kids out there who want to see land that's never seen a human foot print and the artic ocean. lol. First day in class the next semester: "So where did everyone go? Answer: Well I say the arctic ocean lol!
Oh and new zealand will get knocked out because that's where I'm going on my honeymoon when I get married. Lord of the Rings sorta sealed that up. lol