little fish wrote:
Natasha wrote:
[img border=0 src="vny!://"] is it just a [SPAN style="COLOR: rgb(192,0,0)"]coinsidence[FONT style="COLOR: rgb(17,17,17)" size=4][SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial Black"] [SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial Narrow"]t[/SPAN][/SPAN][/FONT][/SPAN]hat the three above posters began their sentences with "I am" and all went in alphabetical order or are we playing a game in this thread that I'm totally unaware of?
Nope no games being played here at least not by me, i think it was just total coincidence and very amusing at the same time..

I had a great lol over it... nice of you to notice it though Natasha =8 [img alt=vny!:// src="vny!://"]big kiss on the cheek for you. [img border=0 alt="Love 46 Emoticon" src="vny!://"]and one more just cause your a brave soul...
No worries. Just made me wonder if I was ruining this thread with random chatter. Thank you for the gif (even if I can't see it) and compliment. It's very nice of you.
Natasha may I suggest trying Firefox as a browser and adding a dictionary in the add ons for spell checking ?
You may suggest what ever you like. However, the chances of me taking your suggestions are slim to none. now if it could only help me with punctuation and correct grimmer usages, especially with words like there, their and too, to ...
I wouldn't worry about it hun. You seem to be the only one who cares about such little mistakes.