I Just finished my first filling today.. Slightly painful but this one might have to become a root canal it was so close to the root. It was a wisdom tooth and a side cavity. apparently very difficult to treat, my dentist did not feel comfortable doing the work. She asked if I wanted to keep my wisdom teeth and I said yes, I do. Some may think its better to remove a tooth, but I'm a firm believer on trying to keep them. Like if they remove it, I Lose one of my grinders they removed teeth to make room for these wisdom teeth 20 odd years ago
Even though My dentist was uncomfortable doing this filling, she went to work on it with full confidence She did a excellent job at making me comfortable. (considering I am a very bad dental patient I just have a hard time with trust and surrendering control, combined with claustrophobia and a strong dislike to pain sharp implements and drill noises) She impressed me with how very comfortable she made me and the care given was fantastic.
I arrived 30 minutes early to Take some Ativan. It really helps take the edge off. It helps a person relax and dentists lose less fingers ( that's a joke) 2 extra mg of Dilauded some ibuprofen and im all set for the double freezing cotton ball on a stick swabs the gum and cheeks area waits 5 minutes then time for the needle OUCH I swear that thing was like 5 feet long damnnnnnnnnnnnnn. ( did I mention I hate needles to) then it was 60 minutes of packing my mouth with cotton rolls, retracting my tongue. and little things of some agent pink stuff pushed in to the tooth after she finished drilling it. that hurt a lot, until she lowered the drill speed. then it became much more bearable, it sure helps to have a good dentist and I think she did a great job
Right now that the freezing is wearing off. and I am not feeling any pain or discomfort Shall wait to see how things go for the next 7 to 10 days. some basic painkillers and time to relax. and no hard crunch candy's or dangerous foods while the teeth fillings settle in to place. they are done now. but I seem to remember about 15 years ago the dentists said I had to wait a week before i could eat hard candys with out risking damage to the tooth fillings and no toffees or candy apples and stuff.
one down 12 more to go ...