i am around sometimes... just busy working on cleaning and boxes of stuff slowly finding it's way to the dustbin i have a living room sort of and 1 almost empty closet... and 1closet that will soon contain some of my living room... when i am not doing the throwing away stuff ... i really don't want to throw out and continue to clean IE. laundry, dishes, garbage, cleaning the floors or the ugghh bathroom.. i so hate to do cleaning and chores... but if you know any one who does love to do them send them my way.... i have tons of work that needs doing..... insert the laugh of a madman here...
. So i am trying to build 2 more working pc's for as little as possible courtesy of freegeek and reboot for parts.
what I have serious need of is a free operating systems for each pc currently have 3 that work 4 if i can find a 400 watt power supply is it 18 or 24 plus 4 atx ... i should take a look and double check what kind of power supply it needs again .. this is the one i will be keeping it is 3 ghz but i dont have the ram for it..

but it needs ddr2 and i have only ddr ram... it also uses only pci video cards
Now i thought of using hacked Windows OS but i understand Linux has some rather easy to use windows style operating systems that i will have to look into. i have never used linux but i just dont have the money for some things so need to make do as i can. and if any one has some advice on the linux style os that works similar to windows and can be used by idiots morons and elderly folks...[span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);"] if u can tell me where i can get it t[/span]hat would be appreciated...also sighs I hate the exspence but i need a working dvd burner mine went snap crakle and pop... brand new is probably better than used new ones are much cheaper now than they usee to be considering one can buy them new for 25 dollars or less.
this is the part i hate i am still trying to find used or new IDE and SATA hard drive enclosures with a fire wire or usb connection .. 4 x ide 2 x sata.....if you or any one you know some one or or knows of places i can find them for the low price of 5 dollars each for the IDE and I will pay as much as 10 for the sata drive enclosures or if you know of peop;le or places that has them for cheaper i would appreciate the info... currently there is none in stock at freegeek or reboot.
sighs i just finished doing my taxes again...if this is right i have no tax refund but i owe almost 3500 dollars arggghhhhhhhhh.... pulls hair out... stupid tax forms i am so bad at math... sits down to redo them ... right after laundry is finished
I have every intention of drop kicking all these computer parts down the garbage chute and buying a nice prebuilt preinstalled warranty machine so if i have future headaches they will hopefully not be mine, i am tired of working on a machine so old it should be used as a boat anchor..
i do have 1 machine or i should say 1 mobo that only needs to have added a dual core or quad core cpu of the T socket or 775 variety... so i am looking around for ones that are of very reasonable prices 2.5 ghz or better used is fine if the price is good and they can prove it works first...( read will cost me less than 100 dollars ) also need a heatsink and fan for the T socket MOBO...
now i need to find 2 PCI video cards not pci express and not agp if i needed agp or pci express i can find lots of those types of cards and dirt cheap.. but try finding a good 128 megabyte pci video card for less than 20 dollars in this city i know I cant... why is it people want to charge nearly new prices for used parts...
these are all single core machines not worth fixing, not worth making them work. except once they do work some people who do not own a computer will then own ones.... the things we do just cause we can... i am not even sure why i bother...
the last guy i built a computer for he did not say thank you and he sold it for 25 dollars ( he could of got at least 50 for it) I it took me 3 months to find the parts and build it for him... and i did it for free... i could of gotten a 50 dollar tax credit by donating it to the church... but instead i give them away ... sometimes i will sell them to others I sell them at low cost, mostly what it costs me to build them. if it cost 20 dollars in parts then the price is 20 dollars... most computer cases are worth 5 to 10 dollars second hand. power supply range in price from 10 to 50 dollars
i think once i finish building these ones I just might donate them to some of the local charities that offer tax receipts for them..... they will be operational just 5 to 10 years old cpu processors of 2 GHZ or less and to think we used to consider those fast.. now anything under a 3 GHZ is considered to be obsolete and not worth selling or fixing...
sometimes i wonder what i would do if i just threw all these boxes of computer parts and cases out the window or down the trash chute.. i would have a empty apartment and more time for reading for sure... but probably more stress... i do so love to build and modify these old machines... making them fry eggs can be so much fun... but it is a expensive hobby
yeah i got nothing to say in my mad rambling.. time to get back to taking more boxes of trash to the bin.. c u all later...