took an elbow in the teeth, now i have a fat lip and a small scab, ouch. the part that hurts worst of all is that 2 of the teeth are broken and a large chunk of the enamel has come off, it is really deep, i dont know how the hell it goes from one tooth right to the next one. maybe it was a veneer on it ? perhaps lise can explain this one... it is really deep, the nerves are almost exsposed.
I dont want to think how much this is going to cost to repair [img style="width: 51px; height: 31px;" src="/forums/richedit/smileys/10.gif[/img]
Lise with all your Knowledge on or is it in dentistry, do you think you can give a ball park figure what this might cost me to fix ?
I guess I do not need to mention how painful this is. I have got to see a dentist on saturday wish it could be sooner but i just got back from a short vacation to get some very much needed rest. So no if ands or buts about this one i must see a dentist and it will be no choice but to use that credit card again. sighs.

what a shitty week this has been.
[img style="width: 136px; height: 98px;" src="vny!://[/img]
[img style="width: 138px; height: 128px;" src="vny!://[/img]