Solar Powered Street lights

Started by Sportsdude, Feb 06 07 06:27

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Awesome! Those look cool.

[h3 class="entry-header"][a href=""]Hybrid Streetlight Powered By Both Wind and Sun[/a][/h3]                      [h5 class="tagline"]by [a href=""]Justin Thomas, Virginia[/a] on     02. 5.07[/h5]                                                                                    [div class="cat-indicator"]  [a href=""]Science & Technology[/a] [span class="lowercase"]([a href=""]alternative energy[/a])[/span]                                [/div] [!-- google_ad_section_start --]                                 [img alt="RHLS_001.jpg" src="" height="439" width="468"][/p]  In Canada, a company called [a href=""]Hybridyne Power Systems[/a] has created a streetlight that is powered both by the sun and the wind. An equivalent streetlight costs about $125 per year to operate. The system, called the "Kazekamome Remote Hybrid", features a solar panel on top, and a vertical-axis wind turbine positioned between the lamp's two poles. Since it is self-powered, it can be installed anywhere without expensive trenching and wiring. See [a href=""]this story[/a] about a recent installation, or click the link here to see another photo of the light.
  [/p]                                                            [img alt="RHLS_006.jpg" src="" height="502" width="468"] [/p]
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I see a lot of these puppies springing up in Sydney. A good idea since the country is constantly bathed in sunlight. Not sure about Vancouver or how much sunlight we can get.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


well you only need a little light to power the solar panel and then it would only go on at night not during the day.  But yeah these things should be mandatory in places like Florida, Arizona, California, Nevada.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


at first, i thought, if you have sunlight to power the lamps, why do you need the lamps to be on? then i realize that it stores the power from the sunlight.