I bet this is effective. From Advertising/Design Goodness, a fake cop car and billboard:

[/p] A driver from a distance will see a police car hiding behing a billboard, as the police typically do in Turkey/ thus the driver instinctively slow down or make sure that they are going at the legal speed limit. When they come closer they are able to read the billboard text:
Pay your traffic tickets on time without waiting in line - [a href="vny!://isbank.com.tr/"]isbank.com.tr[/a]However just as they pass the billboard they will realize that there really isn't a police car hiding there. It's a full size reproduction of a police car which is a part of the billboard.
[a href="vny!://www.frederiksamuel.com/blog/2007/01/isbankcomtr.html"]Link[/a][/p]