LOl, Bush Already Sucking Up

Started by TehBorken, Nov 08 06 06:49

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[span id="article"][span id="intelliTXT"][font face="Verdana,Sans-serif"][font color="black" size="2"]WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush,  disappointed at the Democrats' seizure of the House of  Representatives, will hold a news conference on Wednesday to  urge his opponents to work with him, the White House said.[/font][/font][/span][/span][hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]
Riiiiiiiiiiiight.....the same way he "worked with" them during the Republican Reign Of Terror.

I have news for ya, George. You're f*cked. Totally, 100%  f*cked.  [span id="article"][span id="intelliTXT"][/span][/span]  
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.

Future Canadian

Time to face the music, George.
I can't wait for all the congressional investigations of all his shenanigans.
Should make for some great political theater for the next few years.
...religion has made some contributions to civilization. It helped in the early days to fix the calendar, and it caused Egyptian priests to chronicle ecplipses with such care that in time they were able to predict them. These two services I am prepared to acknowledge, but I do not know of any others


clearly america is back on track.

  looking forward to hillary as prez is 2008.


He's sent the republican party back here big time. Part of it is the Missouri Republicans and they're corrupt dumb decisions (the govenor has a 15% approval rating and he's only been govenor for 2 years and is losing in the polls by 30% to the Attorney General and the election is in '08).

  Usually around here for presidential elections what ever party is in the govenors mansion so goes the state. And I can tell you one thing the missouri republicans are getting killed. And frankly they deserve it. They took 20,000 mentally disabled eldery and sick childern with cancer off of medicare and closed mental hospitals. What happend when they passed the legislation? The govenor got a 20 minute standing ovation for the passage.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


"looking forward to hilary as presedent"?

  wtf? so you want to replace corrupt bush with corrupt hilary, restarting the cycle of chaos all over again.

  You ppl need to do some DD on the global elite.

  ME for presedent i'd say.