Ick: A Ton of Sperm?

Started by TehBorken, Jan 19 07 12:23

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[h2 id="post-5657"][a class="noline" href="http://www.neatorama.com/2007/01/18/philippe-mestes-gross-art-project-a-ton-of-sperm/" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: Philippe-Meste's (Gross) Art Project: a Ton of Sperm."]                Philippe-Meste's (Gross) Art Project: a Ton of Sperm[/a][/h2][blockquote][em]French artist Philippe Meste wants sperm. His artwork Spermcube is a transparant cube of one square meter, which can contain 1000 liter (or 264 US gal) of sperm.
Meste asks all men all over the world to donate. A donor kit can be requested through the website. You can also become a Spermcube shareholder and make profit from the sales of the Spermcube.[/em][/p][em]
[/em][/p] [/blockquote] The photo above is the first liter (yuck!). When everything's done, it will be roughly a (metric) ton of sperm: [a href="http://www.spermcube.org/"]Link[/a]  
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Oh Jeebus, and people think I'M unsophisticated when I admit that I don't understand 'art'.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 P.C. wrote:
Oh Jeebus, and people think I'M unsophisticated when I admit that I don't understand 'art'.

I don't care what he calls it, but whatever that is, it's not "art". Nooooooooooo. Not in my book.

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


The instructions on how to "contribute" are funny.  Who would buy such a thing as it is/was for sale.


OMG. Now that's disgusting.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


i bet some girls out there are drooling.

  oh great, i wanted to donate and this is what i get...

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