The evil of foie gras

Started by Lise, Jan 17 07 08:28

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Well, I'm certainly not touching these guys. They force-feed those poor ducks so their livers could expand till they get bloated. Disgusting really.


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Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


One day (as I've thought to myself for umpteen years), I really must get around to being vegetarian.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


I could be a veggie person if I learned other forms of culinary foods where you can get by, by not eating meat.  Mexican food is easy to do, Indian food is of course, and then asian food.

Us americans grew up on hot dogs (grounded up meat, pig toe nails pretty much anything on the pig), burgers, steaks, Chicken, Turkey.

  I could drop everything but the fish.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sportsdude wrote:
 I could be a veggie person if I learned other forms of culinary foods where you can get by, by not eating meat.  Mexican food is easy to do, Indian food is of course, and then asian food.

Us americans grew up on hot dogs (grounded up meat, pig toe nails pretty much anything on the pig), burgers, steaks, Chicken, Turkey.

I could drop everything but the fish. [/DIV]
 Thats my buddies theory of a fedgie SD. No meats.. except for seafood cause thats not meat. LOL.

To his credit he has done it for three years now.. since he met his fedgie gf. Hes fatter now that he was before somehow?
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


LOL Karma. Must be eating too much carbs

  I mean I could go on just fish.  I don't find steak and burgers that pleasing anymore.  Chicken can get old after a while.  Ham is cool but I only like real ham and not processed.

  Basically I need a diet from American foods.  They're not good for me.

  But for example the past 4 days all I've had to eat is fish.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


They have fish at Taco Bell?
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 To his credit he has done it for three years now.. since he met his fedgie gf. Hes fatter now that he was before somehow?

[/DIV]LOL.  I also heard that when you're in a relationship, the guy (or girl) tends to get fatter.  I can tell you that I've gained weight since being in a relationship.  The junk food that he used to buy and the pills I have to now take add up.  And my guy has definitely fatten up since I first met him.  A good thing, actually.  tee hee.. (not good that I gained...... )  


oh oops forgot about taco bell. darn it!

  at del taco they've got fish tacos but thats del taco  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


purelife wrote:
  To his credit he has done it for three years now.. since he met his fedgie gf. Hes fatter now that he was before somehow?

[/DIV][/DIV]LOL.  I also heard that when you're in a relationship, the guy (or girl) tends to get fatter.  I can tell you that I've gained weight since being in a relationship.  The junk food that he used to buy and the pills I have to now take add up.  And my guy has definitely fatten up since I first met him.  A good thing, actually.  tee hee.. (not good that I gained...... )  
       I think thats due to the fact that you guys love each other and there's no point anymore to keep a figure because who are you trying to attract? Nobody. You've already got somebody.  This is pretty common.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 I think thats due to the fact that you guys love each other and there's no point anymore to keep a figure because who are you trying to attract? Nobody. You've already got somebody.  This is pretty common.


I disagree.  When I'm in a relationship, I expect my guy to be fit and he can expect the same for me.  I will never, NEVER get to a point where I don't care about my body and binge and gain enormous amount of weight and get unhealthy.  That isn't fair on him to take care of me like that or have to worry.  Vice versa.  I have the same expectations for him and he and I agree that we will forever take care of ourselves.  

 Everybody is different and every relationship is as well.  This is just me and my ways and standards.

 ADD:  He'd be in trouble if he started to put on a belly.  He gave me the ok to nudge him to working out.  (I would be too.)  I will also make sure that he eats more healthy.  We'll lose weight and stay in shape together.  That's the best way.


Well I'm not saying that nobody wants to get fat when they're in a stable relationship it just happens.  It happened to my cousin and his wife.  They just got really busy and he gained a lot of weight.  Its not that you want to gain weight nobody does it just happens.  Especially when you have kids.  Your focus becomes your kids and not yourself.  Its normal it happens to everyone.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sorry, I misunderstood.  

  In the end, weight ganing sucks.


Thats okay purelife I hate weight gaining as well as I've gained a few too many over the past couple of months.  For example when parents go out on a 'date' about 99.9% of the time they talk about their kids.  Kids= stress = weight gain.

  We've got to keep a routine thats what my counselor says.  Work out everyday etc.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


purelife wrote:
 Sorry, I misunderstood.  

  In the end, weight ganing sucks. .....


 If they sucked in stead of ate, there'd be no gain .

A fool's paradise is better than none.


I remained slim after I had my kids.  There are no designated situations that guarantee weight gain.  Being aware of the pitfalls is the first step.  You'll be just fine, purelife.  Fluctuating a few pounds up or down over the years is quite natural.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.