Healthy Donuts?

Started by Lise, Jan 17 07 03:41

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Oh yes, please!! Make them healthy if you can so there's an excuse for me to chomp on these delightful snacks all the time.

     [H3][FONT size=6]Doughnut-makers seeking healthier recipes[/FONT][/H3] [P class=timeStamp]Updated Tue. Jan. 16 2007 8:21 AM ET

 [P class=storyAttributes]Associated Press

 When he first started frying up all-natural doughnuts a dozen years ago, Mark Isreal had a tough time getting consumers to bite. After all, who counts calories before grabbing a jelly-filled with their morning cup of joe?

 "It doesn't matter how delicious it is. Some people are so narrow-minded," said Isreal, owner of the Doughnut Plant in New York.

 These days, Isreal supplies everyone from upscale grocery stores to "dive coffee shops" around the city. He's also got a licensing deal for nine Doughnut Plant stores in Tokyo, where he sells to Starbucks.

 And doughnut lovers across the country could soon join him in reaching for a less unhealthy treat -- even if they're not trying -- as regulators and retailers pressure food companies to drop artery-clogging trans fats.

 Rather than worrying the shift will gobble up their market niche, some natural doughnut makers say they're happy to see the food industry abandoning ingredients that gave the industrialized doughnut a bad rap.

 "It's nice to have been ahead of the curve," said Ryan Kellner, owner of the all-organic Mighty-O Donuts in Seattle. "But I think it's great for society in general that we're moving towards an alternative."

 "Doughnuts have kind of gone through a renaissance," Isreal said.

 [FONT size=1]Read more: [/FONT][A href=""][FONT size=1][/FONT][/A]

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


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Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims



  The whole purpose of donuts and savoring them is the calories and the sweetness.  It's like taking cocoa out of chocolate and replacing it with something that tastes like cocoa.  

  Dear Tim Horton's,

  Your customer here prefers your donuts as they are.  PLEASE, pretty please with a cherry on top, ever consider some sort of healthy alternative.  I will, however, allow you to make one kind of donut that is SUPER healthy (with nuts and vitamins) but, please do continue making the others.

  Thank you for your attention and I await patiently for your reply.

  Sincerely yours,

  A dedicated customer who feels the need for the good calories.  


This sounds like my theory with decafinated coffee.. its like shooting blanks. Yes No?
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Kinda, I guess.  I just perfer decaf because it's not as strong as the full-blown caffeinated beverages.  Plus, my body gets frazzled if I OD on caffeine.      


I decided I was a tea drinker
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."