5191's final moments

Started by TehBorken, Jan 18 07 08:27

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  [h1][font style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight: normal;" size="2"]Sad. The "V one, rotate" means they had enough speed to bring the nose of the aircraft up to leave the runway. But something else went wrong.  [/font][/h1][hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"][div class="infobox"] [span class="infobox-head"]The Voice recorder: 5191's final moments[/span]
 Following are excerpts from the final minutes of Comair Flight 5191's cockpit voice recorder. The voices are those of First Officer James Polehinke, Capt. Jeffrey Clay and the air traffic controller in the tower. For a more complete transcript of the voice recorder, go to Kentucky.com.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:04:38.2 a.m.[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Polehinke (over the aircraft PA system): and folks one (unintelligible word) time from the flight deck, we'd like to welcome you aboard. we're going to be underway momentarily ... sit back relax and enjoy the flight...[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:05:15.1[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Polehinke (radio to tower): "churliser" (which the NTSB interprets as "at your leisure" spoken very fast; an FAA transcript interprets this as the word "Toledo") Comair one twenty one ready to go.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:05:17.7[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Tower: Comair one ninety one, Lexington uh, tower, fly runway heading, cleared for takeoff.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:05:21.0[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Clay (radio to tower): runway heading, cleared for takeoff, one ninety one.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:05:23.7[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Clay: .. and line-up check.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:05:34.4[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Clay: throw that bad boy on.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:05:41.3[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Polehinke: transponder's on, packs on, bleeds closed, cleared for takeoff, runway heading. six grand.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:05:45.4[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Clay: all right.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:05:46.4[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Polehinke: anti-ice off, lights set, takeoff config's okay, line-up check's complete.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:05:57.6[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Clay: all yours, Jim.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:05:58.9[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Polehinke: my brakes, my controls.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:06:05.0[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] (sound similar to increase in engine RPM)[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:06:07.8[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Polehinke: set thrust please.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:06:11.7[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Clay: thrust set.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:06:16.3[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Polehinke: dat is weird with no lights.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:06:18.0[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Clay: yeah.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:06:24.2[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Clay: one hundred knots.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:06:25.1[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Polehinke: checks.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:06:31.2[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Clay: V one, rotate.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:06:31.8[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Clay: whoa.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:06:32.2[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] unknown ambient noise.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:06:32.6[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] Clay: expletive.[/p] [/div] [span class="subhead"]6:06:33.0[/span][/p] [hr class="infobox-hr-separator" color="#cccccc" size="1"] [div class="infobox"] sound of impact.[/p] [span class="box_solid"]• [/span]The transcript then records various unintelligible exclamations and sounds, ending with an unintelligible exclamation from Clay at 6:06:35.7.[/p] [span class="box_solid"]• [/span]The recording ends at 6:06:36.2.[/p] [/div]    
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


That is so dreadfully tragic.

  At the risk of sounding insensitive, I can't help but wonder why 49 autopsies had to be performed.  I don't understand.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


What's the story behind this? It is very sad. You should watch United 93. The script is based on the conversation between the passengers and their loved ones.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


The worst plane crash of '06 a plane was trying to take off in Kentucky.  Went down the wrong run way I believe.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."