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[FONT color=#000000]That's the point, onthefence........those reasons are the reasons that the 'activists' and nay sayers are using. The doctor, who was involved with Ashley and her parents said that the mess and inconvenience was only a small part of bringing them to their decision. [/FONT]
As far as breast developement.....again.....the reasons that are coming out loudest stem from the 'activists'. From the doctors and parents ?.....breasts would make it painful for Ashley when straps and harnesses are needed to prevent harm, plus as you mentioned, the likelyhood of hereditary breast cancer.
I'm sure there is all kinds of apparatus to hoist Ashley around. I'm also sure it would be extremely costly and would also restrict her more to home. I understand they try to maintain as much normalcy as possible when it comes to family outings etc. The couple that I was speaking of earlier, has spent millions (MILLIONS) on the care of their children. There is a whole floor of their house set up with specialized equipment and specialized care people to go with it.....and none of it comes cheap. Believe me....there has never been a time in my life so far, that I could have afforded those things.
As far a surgically 'altering' a child, I think it SOUNDS far worse than it is. How different is it from removing a growth that may impair a childs ability to walk. Could they get along fine without it being removed? Probably, but who wouldn't make that decision if it brought their child a life free of pain or discomfort.
I hadn't even realized this case was from 3 years ago.....good question, why the big kafuffle now? All I know for certain, is I am thankful everyday that I was blessed with 3 healthy children..... I have no idea what conclusions I would have come to had they faced a future of uncertainty. I DO know that if there was anything I could do to ward off any pain or discomfort that they would surely have faced, the decision would definitely get easier. If those things by chance made MY life more convenient, I would consider that a mere bonus.