Prenup yes or no

Started by Grrrrrrrrrrr, Jan 08 07 12:55

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I see it more like, when did you need a second contract to make sure you stick to the first contract.

The 'terms and conditions' or clauses are the vows.

    edit:  I don't want a contract that protects me from my spouse, nor do I want a spouse who wants to be protected from me.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


P.C. wrote:
 I see it more like, when did you need a second contract to make sure you stick to the first contract.

The 'terms and conditions' or clauses are the vows.

    edit:  I don't want a contract that protects me from my spouse, nor do I want a spouse who wants to be protected from me.P.C. i agree with you 100%. Unfortunately we need a second cotract to protect ourselves from blood sucking divorce lawyers.


 Unfortunately we need a second cotract to protect ourselves from blood sucking divorce lawyers.

 There's certainly some truth to that, ripper.  They will get rich no matter who is right or wrong.  Do you think a prenup would save someone from that?

I have a tendency to be a tad idealistic about marriage and relationships.  I just think people toss in the towel too quickly, and I'm opposed to anything that facilitates that.


I just know we're doing something wrong, and I think it's worth trying to figure out what it is.

I guess one reason is we're probably not being honest with ourselves about who we choose to marry and why.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


P.C. nothing can save you from a divorce lawyer once he/she has their claws on you. With or without a prenup they will still make off with the cash. All they have to do is tell the other party to fight the prenup and it'll get tied up in court  indefinitely.  


Aint that the truth, ripper.

  I think the old adage,  'He who represents himself has a fool for a client' has become blurred over the years.  Unfortunately we still opt to line the pockets of lawyers because it seems you have no we're STILL fools.  We're just poorer fools at the end of the day.

  I believe I saw somewhere, that there is an on-line divorce kit.  It is only for uncontested divorces, but it would certainly remove a few un-earned dollars from the lawyers.

    edit:   Grrrrrrr....I am curious if YOU are male or female.....and also if you are the prenupper or the prenuppee.  And BTW....I am a female.[/DIV]

I'm still curious......
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


lol, this will destroy the objectivity of your reply if you know...


How could it ?  My opinions don't change according to who asked the question........well, unless you're a  Sooooo..............
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



Why so much head ache before even get married...

This question and how you approach this define your relationship... imho


Grrrrrr put the same question on DV. The gender is cleared on that post,

mwahahaha (little evil laugh)    


I agree Orca, I read the post over there too. The OP got more suggestive replies too, LOL.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Do tell Orca.....don't leave me hangin !!!!!  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I saw this same question over at DV too.

  Yes, Orca.  Do share with us the juicy gossip of that known to is, DV!

  Don't make me meet up with you for dinner to talk about this, young lady. ;) tee hee...


lol sorry, no headache, but you're entitled to your opinion. Enjoy your diners girls !  
