Canada is about to have a copyright disaster

Started by TehBorken, Jan 11 07 05:09

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 [h3]Canada is about to have a copyright disaster         [/h3] Uh-oh. Bev Oda (the Canadian Tory Heritage Minister who funded her campaign with money from the big entertainment, software and pharma companies) is poised to bring down new copyright legislation that will plunge Canada into the dark ages, outdoing the USA for sheer boneheaded lunacy. The USA had an excuse in 1998 when it passed the Digital Millennium Act -- no one else had tried legislating copy-proof bits before. It was a dumb idea, but it hadn't been absolutely proven wrong at the time. Now it has. Nearly 10 years later, bits are still getting easier to copy. Entertainment companies are demanding that governments change the laws of physics to preserve their old business models, and the public expense is immeasurable. Record companies like Sony, Warner and Universal are terrorizing the world by suing hundreds of music lovers every month. Security researchers are afraid to look into harmful DRM because they might fall afoul of copyright law (some of them do it anyway and end up in jail). Companies are afraid to compete because they might get sued for violating copyright by playing an iTune on a Zune or a Zunetune on an iPod.  [a href=""]Link[/a]  
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Interesting... thanks TB. I thought this was decided with the past lawsuit that failed and a ruling made in respect to copyright laws and the rights of canadians and companies.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Well, if anyone is waiting for Ottawa to make any smart decisions, you better make sure you have a lot of food and shelter in the meantime.


I agree that technology is changing business paradigms, and that companies are fighting in vain against the inevitable.

As for Canada -- what copyright? I copyright my work in the states.