job advice please

Started by dilemma, Jan 10 07 01:19

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if you have children you may take into consideration that it's important to be having dinner with your family;  if you are young and is considering getting a loan in the near future, a higher income will give you more borrowing power.


 P.C. wrote:
So what conclusion did you come to ?
I have little knowledge about the grand scheme.  But on a day to day level, I can work a dollar lak hek.  My only contribution to your dilemma, is you have to assess whether this is a financial issue (as the dollar figures are so close) or an issue of which job may bring you greater happiness. (I always have a backdoor approach to cover myself when I'm stumped)
I would definitely choose to do what allowed me a more comfortable lifestyle.....from the point of view of what brought me greater contentment, over a few extra bucks in my pocket.  Wasn't it Mark Twain who said, 'a man who enjoys his job will never work a day in his life'  (or something like that)  
I haven't decide yet. As i said I didn't give all the details of both jobs. There are others irritants too, so I might decide to stay here and wait for another job opportunity that will not  include any drawback. Actually I have exactly the same thing as job number one, from 9 to 5, but not in Van. Van would be great but as the last poster touch the subject, even if I don't have kids, it's in my plan, so no way I'm gonna work 1 to 9. and even without kids, 1 to 9 would not be acceptable more than one year in my life (lying to myself as i'm trying to resist to not sending an insulting email to the idiot who proposed me that).