Prenup yes or no

Started by Grrrrrrrrrrr, Jan 08 07 12:55

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Divorce should be based upon facts. Unfortunately we all know that is not the case. Women costantly lie incourt and get away with it. They'll say that their exhusbands were abusive to them or their children. Even when caught lying, there are no consequences.


And the honest ones pay for it when women lie.  It's sad, really.      


And the honest ones pay for it when women lie.  It's sad, really.

  Hence the reason why I was posting about prenup. That and all the horror stories of divorced people that I hear evrywhere around me (true or not, how can we know...)


Prenups are only good if no children are involved. If there are kids you can kiss your life away.


The court makes a decision about how much to pay based on the kid's interests.  The mom and dad really have no say as to how much to receive and pay out.      


Sound reassuring. No need for prenup then...


I could be wrong though. This is what I understand from the Court systems here in BC.  


ripper wrote:  Women costantly lie incourt and get away with it.

  This is a bit of a bias in itself.  I think it would be more accurate to say that people lie in court and get away with it.  To suggest that the courts favour women in a divorce settlement is one thing (and to some degree can be backed up with proof)  but to suggest women lie in court any more than men is ludicrous.  Sorry ripper, but I don't buy it.

  I imagine it would take a lot more than some statistics about court settlements to get the real picture.  For example....60 to 90% of divorce petitions are started by women.  On average, 75% of those petitions are filed due to spousal adultery. You gotta wonder if the lopsidedness of how the over-all outcomes look, might really be quite balanced.      
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 Grrrrrrr.......Prenuptial agreement, yes or no, pros and cons, is it working or a lawyer can get rid of it ?

Also, would you feel insulted if your BF/GF asked you to sign a prenup ?

Replyers please specify sex if possible

Grrrrrrr....I am curious if YOU are male or female.....and also if you are the prenupper or the prenuppee.  And BTW....I am a female.[/DIV]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I based my comments on two divorces that i personally witnessed. I had two friends that went through divorces and each time the woman when testifying would start to cry and tell horrific stories of abuse. But i knew those stories to be bullcrap. However to be fair to the women, i don't blame them. The system encourages them to try and get any advantage they can. As the saying goes alls fair in love and war.  

P.C.'s hailing like crazy out there.....holy  loudness.

  Anyway.....ripper, you have statistics that are 100% to back up your claims. 2 out of 2.

All I've learned over the years, and I unfortunately know dozens more than 2 divorced couples....myself that the dynamics of other peoples marriages are far more complex than what you witness when they come to your house for dinner on Saturday night.

   I even learned things about my SISTER that knocked my socks off.  How she is as a sister, or a mother or a friend is only clear to those who ARE her sister, her children or her friends.  How she is as a wife is something that is only known to her husband.  .......And of course vice versa.

  I guess all I'm saying is, don't let those things dictate or taint what marriage means to YOU.  If people were as anxious to invest as much energy, time and commitment into each other as they did into drawing up documents to release themselves unscathed after their failure, I suspect they would be far richer in everything.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


P.C. very well said. Thank you for this enjoyable and enlightening conversation.  


I enjoyed it too, ripper.  Thanks back.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I even learned things about my SISTER that knocked my socks off.  How she is as a sister, or a mother or a friend is only clear to those who ARE her sister, her children or her friends.  How she is as a wife is something that is only known to her husband.  .......And of course vice versa.   I guess all I'm saying is, don't let those things dictate or taint what marriage means to YOU.  If people were as anxious to invest as much energy, time and commitment into each other as they did into drawing up documents to release themselves unscathed after their failure, I suspect they would be far richer in everything.

[/DIV]I totally agree with you PC.  I couldn't have worded it better than you.  Excellent!  :)


a prenup protects both the groom and the bride......I personally think it should be part of every marriage license, afterall the marriage license is a contract between two persons.....and when have you seen a contract without conditions and clauses.  
