[p style="font-weight: bold;" class="blogSubject"][a href="vny!://www.huffingtonpost.com/cenk-uygur/the-media-isnt-supposed-_b_20521.html"] The Mainstream Media is a Shameful Cesspool of Lies[/a][/p][p class="blogSubject"]by Adam Fulford
[/p] [p class="blogContent"]The wave of the future is Independent Bloggers such as [a set="yes" href="vny!://www.rawstory.com/" rel="nofollow"]www.rawstory.com[/a], [a href="vny!://www.blackboxvoting.org/" rel="nofollow"]www.blackboxvoting.org[/a], and [a href="vny!://www.bradblog.com/" rel="nofollow"]www.bradblog.com[/a] who are NOT beholden to corrupt bosses and greedy sociopathic corporate interests. Such Bloggers practice the kind of well-researched journalistic integrity grotesquely lacking in the shameful and cowardly American Mainstream News Media (or, more accurately, the Overwhelmingly Fascist American News Media). According to a journalist I know well (a former Forbes editor), people in the American news media today are ashamed of themselves and embarrassed to be a part of their profession. And they should be ashamed of themselves, since journalists in the American news media today are truly among the most vile and disgraceful whores on the face of the planet. The cowardly and corrupt Mainstream American News Media whores have blood on their hands; they aid and abet the traitors carrying out the War Against American Voters and spread the propaganda that facilitates the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians. Thankfully, some people possess the moral fiber and intelligence to accurately report news via blog/alternative news sites such as [a href="vny!://www.rawstory.com/" rel="nofollow"]www.rawstory.com[/a], and [a set="yes" href="vny!://www.blackboxvoting.org/" rel="nofollow"]www.blackboxvoting.org[/a], [a href="vny!://www.theyoungturks.com/" target="_self"]vny!://www.theyoungturks.com[/a], and of course [a set="yes" href="vny!://www.bradblog.com/" rel="nofollow"]www.bradblog.com[/a]. While being a mainstream "journalist" is a mark of shame, the title of "Blogger" is a badge of honor.[/p]