Twins born to 67-year-old Spanish woman

Started by TehBorken, Dec 31 06 08:14

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HOLY *&#%!!! 67 years old and she has twins? Oh. My. God.
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MADRID (Reuters) - A 67-year-old Spanish woman became the world's oldest new mother on Saturday when she gave birth to twins, a Barcelona hospital said.

The woman, who became pregnant after receiving IVF treatment in Latin America, gave birth by caesarean section, a spokeswoman at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i San Pau told Reuters.

Both the woman, from the southern Spanish region of Andalucia, and babies were in good health, the hospital said, although the new-borns had been placed in an incubator.

The unidentified woman, who was giving birth for the first time, is one year older than Romanian Adriana Iliescu who had a baby girl in January 2005 at the age of 66. She had been pregnant with twins, but one died in the womb.

The hospital declined to give the woman's name or specify the sex of the babies.

The new mother will spend at least another four or five days in the hospital, which has a unit specializing in high-risk births, the spokeswoman said.

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The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


I can actually see this becoming more the norm, later birthing not this late though. People are living longer and longer, thus extending the years of childbirthing in theory. People also are taking more time for career and longer to settle down. This is also seems to be offset by the 12 yearolds having kids mind you, but alot of people are having kids later...

  67 seems like its leaving it a little late though. How can you take care of and play with your kids if you are getting closer to the end?
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Not that I wan't to take care of kids at my age, but closer to the end?  *Teeth chattering with fear!*    I'm planning to stick around until nothing is interesting any more, which could be many decades.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


No way! Ah, why not? With better technology these days and more and more women putting off childbirth, it's no big surprise.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.