The person below me game

Started by Lise, Dec 30 06 06:09

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True - but sticking to the decision is hard to do sometimes.

  TPBM will soon have a hard decision to make.



  PBM persists in fighting losing battles
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Gopher wrote:

  PBM persists in fighting losing battles[/DIV]
 lets see most of my battles I think I can win......LOL....... so True and False

    PBM knows Gopher real name
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


TRUE (of course I do)

  PBM would like to share that knowledge
A fool's paradise is better than none.



    PBM has a facebook page
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!



PBM likes facebook better than myspace
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


False, I hate both of them

  PBM uses more than three forums
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Gopher wrote:
 False, I hate both of them

  PBM uses more than three forums[/DIV]
 True but I do not post at all of them any more.......some I just look at only now


  wonders why the IRA started setting off bombs again  
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!



  PBM feels that some things will always remain outside their comprehension.
A fool's paradise is better than none.




  has ment people off a forum  
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!



I have met a few posters off the various forums. Some where even kind enough to visit me in Hospital.. Silent Hill Nurse a stunning beautiful lady, she visited me in saint pauls,

Couclagirl  her husband and other friends from lil-devil radio sent me 2 wonderful teddy-bears both have a great home here... I used them as pillows while in the hospital... such a sweet kind gift... they really helped me feel more at ease and i missed my baby gurl pepper less thanks to these.

M. ( sorry I can't use his real name with out his permission he may not like me to.)  M has got to be one of the smartest men I know, a literal genius IQ a Physics major and PHD.I guess I should call Him Doctor M he has earned that right after all.  M came to visit me while I was in the hospital as well. M has had articles published in some very fancy magazines.. I also know him in real life not just the forums... M is One of the only men I know that I can actually discuss quantum theory, relativity of the potential to use black holes to time travel  discuss the aspects of dimensions, Discuss, God, Angels Christian theology and wormholes.

He is one who understands it.. best of all he explained his theory to me while listening to mine we spent more than 2 hours talking on a subject most people would be bored to tears by. I fear I may have looked like an idiot in his eyes but he still listened to my theories. Much of what he said is beyond my grasp but I did understand a fair bit of it.

Particle matter,  physics, math and then there is Tachyons which still give me headaches though M tried to explain it to me I fear I failed to grasp something that seems easy to him which is horribly mind twisting to me. fortran and computer binary seem easy compared to what he tried to explain to me.. grasps head in hands and groans ...

M has an amazing brain, he is also an astronomist (is that a word?)  he studys astronomy and stars much of it to do with black holes which is all done in his spare time.When he is not working on math formulas in his professorship at one of  the local universitys. ( I forget which one and he might not like me to  say even if I did remember)
He thinks like I do that black holes are the closest thing we have to worm holes and they Might be used to travel through time using it's gravity fields if they can ever be figured out. IE how to be controlled. The problem is anchoring the worm hole to an area in time and then travel through it with out being folded in on your self and crushed to death.

 Couclagirl and Silent hill nurse have some very lucky husbands. Lil_Me and her Other half Mr LM. are a nice couple. They gave me a really cool Christmas present something I had not gotten in many years..

Couclagirl She was a doll and a half if she had not been headed to the US to meet her husband to be I would of flirted with her to no end sighs what a doll. I like tough girls and Coucla is tough..  Academe aka kitkat, bielieve it or not, she is a very good looking woman, now while I may not like blonds much I do not hold that against her.. She is a eye popper of a woman a 7 out of ten on my scale meaning I would cut off 7 of my fingers to date her.. =)

And Plz let's not talk about BC Marie I also met her a admirable woman.. but for some reason I forgot what she looks like... there there is Goatse a young man on his way to adult hood and could be considered very handsome. Then there is Don't aka Female.. Skinny not my type but a good looking woman nonetheless.

Duce AKA Ace if he has other screen names i do not know what they are ??? he seems decent enough in person. Does not come across as very racist.. maybe it is not the same man I met in person as the one who now posts over at memebee.

Russ, tall handsome and if not engaged to Starfishy he would be being chased by many young ladies he is rugged and handsome lean but muscular a natural build.  If I was gay or if I was a woman I would definitely date Russ..

Purelife What can I say but damn.. She is a 9 out of 10 on my finger scale. want to  see what Purelife is like in good looks she is often compared to Tia Carera but purelife is taller and 10 times better looking. but this is just my opinion others might disagree.

Kit's he is Shorter than I imagined but imagine a Caucasian Antonio Banderas (the guy who played zorro) in a 5'10 frame slender young and a real charmer All Most all of the woman around where making googoo Eye's at him...

orca a mature woman not old, not young very smart and friendly she had me smitten.

Link this young man could be anything he wants and I bet he breaks hearts left right and centre...

Aboozer.. he seemed very nice but also some one I would consider a heavy drinker, he was quiet ( maybe shy ?) he was also drinking heavy and the more he drank, the more he relaxed and opened up. He was on his way to a very drunken state when I last saw him...

I have also met a number of others who out of respect for their anonymity will not reveal anything about them not even there names. this is because they asked me not to, out of respect for them I shall not say anything. It may also be that they are embarrassed to admit to having met me.. I do not know which.

The person below me wants to meet other forum posters...
Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


True ...

    "BC Marie I also met her a admirable woman"  yuppers

  Orik I took her up to my cabin a few years back very nice ... e-mail her now and again. She is very nice and would be a blast to hang out with......

  Mslewd............well what can i say about her we have a had a few beers together over the years and still talk on the phone once in awhile. I do miss not seeing her in person ...well if it where not for her I would not have ment my current GF on POF as she helped me out alot and made me a stonger person.


  Has travelled a long distance to met a person from the internet  
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


 True. If you consider travelling to commercial drive a long distance...

I think i might of met Ms lewd as well but I forget.. I have met more than a few and If I did not mention you please forgive me, due to reasons of poor health ,I often forget things sometimes even my short term memory is effected Ie I sometimes forget stuff that I did last week..

Person below me has travelled to another country to meet some one off the Internet....

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


A fool's paradise is better than none.


True ...... tried to but it was not to be....... :(   me knows it would have been good


  Knows people that met on line and got married
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!
