Old FBI memo: "It's a Wonderful Life" is commie propaganda!
FBI documents from 1947 show that government officials once believed the Christmas movie classic "[a href="vny!://www.imdb.com/title/tt0038650/"]It's a Wonderful Life[/a]" was Communist propaganda. About the FBI memo titled "COMMUNIST INFILTRATION OF THE MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY," Blogger Will Chen writes, [/p][blockquote]I love [a href="vny!://www.wisebread.com/101-classic-christmas-videos-online"][em]It's a Wonderful Life[/em][/a] because it teaches us that family, friendship, and virtue are the true definitions of wealth. In 1947, however, the FBI considered this anti-consumerist message as subversive Communist propaganda ([a href="vny!://www.wisebread.com/fbi-considered-its-a-wonderful-life-communist-propaganda#memo1"]read original FBI memo[/a]). [/p]According to Professor [a href="vny!://server1.fandm.edu/departments/CollegeRelations/PressReleases/1997-98/PR075.html" target="_blank"]John Noakes[/a] of Franklin and Marshall College, the FBI thought [em]Life [/em]smeared American values such as wealth and free enterprise while glorifying anti-American values such as the triumph of the common man.[/p][/blockquote] [a href="vny!://www.wisebread.com/fbi-considered-its-a-wonderful-life-communist-propaganda"]Link[/a].
1947 was the same year in which the [a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_Un-American_Activities_Committee"]House Unamerican Activities Committee (HUAC)[/a] began investigating suspected Communist influence in Hollywood. This led to the [a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_Un-American_Activities_Committee#Hollywood_blacklist"]blacklisting[/a] of many directors, writers, and other talent. More background on that: [a href="vny!://www.classicmovies.org/articles/aa032899.htm"]Link[/a].