Yee Haw, BB guns for Christmas!

Started by TehBorken, Dec 23 06 07:11

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Fun fer the whole family! Woo hoo!
This ad from an old issue of [em]Boy's Life[/em] recommends BB rifles as an ideal gift for kids between the ages of 7 to 17. Those were the days, pardner! [a href=""]Link[/a]  
[a href=""]
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


In Japan, a 10 year old can buy a BB gun (not a rifle though) that has surprisingly good accuracy & range.  


Terrible. We still have those 'weapons' out for kids in the form of toy guns and rays. A gun is a gun is a gun no matter how you dress it up.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


I bought my younger cousin a bb gun. Why not? I had one. Same rules apply, dont shoot anything living especially a person or animal. See that nothing around can get hurt when you shoot it.

  I was only allowed to use it when my dad was around until I was older, he would check and see what I was shooting at and that I couldnt hit anything else.
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