Impossible Questions

Started by P.C., Dec 09 06 06:07

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have a bank account

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


40% of people living in America don't do something I thought almost everyone did...what are they not doing?

Nope....but you're ever so slightly warm....ish.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



Nope....not credit card payments.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


they don't make car payments

they dont  pay a morgage

okay  im need food
what to eat chicken noodle or vegetable beef soup

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.



that's what she says...

sighs im out of ideas

they dont own a sailboat :D

they don't play the stock market

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Have a retirement plan

have a pension

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims




A fool's paradise is better than none.


[FONT size=6]GOPHIE !!!![/FONT]

  My goodness you're good at this !

    [FONT size=4]Please accept these lovely Golden Piggy Banks ![/FONT]

[FONT size=4][/FONT]

Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 damn gopher that was a right smart answer

Orik cursed loudly, but congratulates gopher on a most excellent answer
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Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Americans spend more than $23 Billion on this when they go out every year...what is it?

Yipes !
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

