Started by Wondering, Dec 06 06 01:25

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Russ wrote:
 Well welcome over here 007. I recognize ya from over there.

  'bless' for ya, even if you dont stay long. Most of us get banned at one point or another. Some have said to change your ip addy, Orik I believe posted a thread how to do it here.[/DIV]
 thank you,russ.

  i don't know what happened there.

i just can't post anything there

  but one of my dv friends told me,

the home is where the heart is.

  so true

  : )


If you are having trouble you can get in touch with a person on here.. mr pomegranate. He might be able to help you.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims

mr pomegranate

hi 007, ydv and I both know about the problem, and we are doing all we can to get it fixed.... you aren't the only one affected by it

  you are not banned for anything, your IP is just an innocent victim to the 'glitch', send me a private message here if you are still having problems and I'll keep working on it til we get you back up and running :)

  "don't" misses you on the forum ;)


Russ wrote:
 If you are having trouble you can get in touch with a person on here.. mr pomegranate. He might be able to help you.[/DIV]

; )


mr pomegranate wrote:
 hi 007, ydv and I both know about the problem, and we are doing all we can to get it fixed.... you aren't the only one affected by it

  you are not banned for anything, your IP is just an innocent victim to the 'glitch', send me a private message here if you are still having problems and I'll keep working on it til we get you back up and running :)

  "don't" misses you on the forum ;)


hi,nice to meet you here.


  i know i was not banned there, but i just can't post .

  maybe it is my destiny to take me here.

who knows/



there you are:))
i'm looking for my future husband at home and he is at the neighbour's house all this time;))

i am so sorry 7
i can't post either, unless i'm on vpn :(



What the heck is this glitch about?
Is there an explanation of it somewhere?

I haven't been on there yet today... I'll see what'll happen when I try to post.

My guess is this is not really a "glitch" of any sort: One of the idiot admins probably did a very wide IP range ban without thinking as usual and now none of the good users can post.[/DIV]

I thought it was just 1-2 people. I'm seeing a flurry of registration activity on DS in the past week. I suspect all of these are people who can no longer post there. [A onclick="addImg('icon/icon_smile_shy.gif')" href="jvascript:void(0)"][/A]  
*  Please unban me!! please please please  *


 maybe it is my destiny to take me here.

a while ago i couldn't post either on dv
and came here:)
and made a thread same as yours:))

i think this things just come and go


well, what ever it is Raging Poodle, seems to be unfixable at the moment..


Even female is here. [img onmousedown=travesmilie(this.src); height=25 src="http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/verkleidung/costumed-smiley-063.gif" width=31]

What's vpn?  
*  Please unban me!! please please please  *


Raging Poodle! wrote:
 What the heck is this glitch about?
Is there an explanation of it somewhere?

I haven't been on there yet today... I'll see what'll happen when I try to post.

My guess is this is not really a "glitch" of any sort: One of the idiot admins probably did a very wide IP range ban without thinking as usual and now none of the good users can post.[/DIV]

I thought it was just 1-2 people. I'm seeing a flurry of registration activity on DS in the past week. I suspect all of these are people who can no longer post there. [A onclick="addImg('icon/icon_smile_shy.gif')" href="jvascript:void(0)"][/A]    

 you are right.

 shame on dv boss!




 lol m

vpn=[font size="-1"]virtual private network, i think[/font]  


female wrote:
[SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]maybe it is my destiny to take me here.[/SPAN]

a while ago i couldn't post either on dv
and came here:)
and made a thread same as yours:))

i think this things just come and go

 the home is where the heart is!


 live in vancouver.

 have to travel to seattle to have a chat with friends,

 is it funny?

 very funny.




female wrote:
well, what ever it is Raging Poodle, seems to be unfixable at the moment..
 Bullllllllshit "unfixable" or "unexplainable"... [A onclick="addImg('icon/icon_smile_tongue.gif')" href="jvascript:void(0)"][/A]

There's a damn good explanation for it.

And I've already made it.

Those f*cktard DV admins have brought this upon themselves, now they can't figure out where they went wrong.

Maybe next time they'll stop pretending to be blind, deaf, and mute and listen to what users and mods are saying for a change! [A onclick="addImg('icon/icon_smile_disapprove.gif')" href="jvascript:void(0)"][/A]  
*  Please unban me!! please please please  *

mr pomegranate

you've probably already googled vpn Raging Poodle, but it is essentially similar to using a proxy, you 'pipe' all of your traffic through another computer network

  you can set up your home or work network to be your vpn, and then wherever you may be you can use that as your own 'proxy'

  they are often set up with an encryption scheme to add to security, especially when using wireless and 'rental' networks

    ....at least that is my understanding from memory, I am open to any corrections by those that bothered to google ;)  
