Women in charge of money

Started by Lise, Dec 05 06 07:54

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And so it is written and so it shalt be.

   [H2]Women make bulk of purchasing decisions: survey[/H2]

[H4]Vancouver Sun[/H4][FONT size=1]Published: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 [/FONT]    Canadian women, especially mothers, are in command of home finances and decide -- or help to decide -- on spending on everything from clothes to dinner out to a new car, according to a survey by MasterCard Canada released today.

 Ninety-two per cent of all adult women and 96 per cent of mothers are either solely or jointly in control when it comes to family purchases, according to the report, the MasterCard MasterIndex of Canadian Women Comsumers.

 Fifty-five per cent of the 2,088 women surveyed across the country said they alone make the day-to-day financial decision in the household and another 37 per cent said they did it jointly with their partners.


 [FONT size=1]Read more: [/FONT][A href="http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=9e908a9f-5802-4304-a152-0ebe50610855&k=81427"][FONT size=1]http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=9e908a9f-5802-4304-a152-0ebe50610855&k=81427[/FONT][/A]

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Bugga !   Long response.....error.   Arrrrgggg

  Anyways....and this will be shorter.  Interesting Lise.

  My advice is for any couple.   3 accounts.   House account.......His account.......Her account.

  House account - all things to live jointly.  House, cars, food, insurance...........etc

His account - to spend without justification, guilt or explanation.

Her account - to spend without justification, guilt or explanation.  [FONT size=2](and shoes) [/FONT]

  It works.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


so basically the women decide what to spend their husband's money on?


Only if he thinks it's more important to spend his money on electronics, instead of the power needed to play with them.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="http://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/haushalt/d046.gif" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Im slowly losing control of my finances lol. but to be honest I dont mind it, shes helped me save alot that I would have just shrugged and went oh well.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Separate accounts, consensual decisions and spending on things that affect us both.  
one must be intelligent to get intelligent answers.
— bebu


 House account - all things to live jointly.  House, cars, food, insurance...........etc

His account - to spend without justification, guilt or explanation.

Her account - to spend without justification, guilt or explanation.  [FONT size=2](and shoes) [/FONT]


Yup, that's what will be happenning.

 My b/f and I will be opening up a joint account early next year so that we could start saving for our wedding and honeymoon.  Yeah, it sucks when it's us adults who have to fork out the money and our parents can't/won't help us.  I'm not relying on my mom for sure.  Oh well, time to save.

 Hmmm, I wonder if that banking philosophy works in the bedroom.

 HIS bedroom  - to have his own toilet in there, to do what he pleases without guilt

 HER bedroom - to have and do whatever she pleases without guilt or justification, where secrets could be kept and no one could ever find them

 OUR bedroom - you know, to share everything:  body, mind and souls.  

 HA HA HA!  

 And of course, you guys know that I'm kidding right?  [FONT size=1]well, maybe not...[/FONT] ;)


I don't mind if the guy spends whatever he wants SO LONG AS HE EARNS it and [FONT color=#ff0000]ASKS FOR MY PERMISSION. [/FONT]
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


So... you want him to buy you a new car and a new wardrobe with his money that you gave him permission to?

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


I think that traditionally, and especially in asian cultures, women were taught and told to hold the money and finances.  My mom told me about "governing" his money.  I for sure disagree.  I think that whoever is good with finances, ie. paying the bills, then that person (be it the wife/husband) can go online and pay the bills.  In my relationship, that will most likely be me as my guy dislikes paperwork and can't remember all when bills comes due.  I would only give him troubles if he freely spent "our" money.  If he went and brought this $700 game thingee machine and I know that finances are tight, then he would be in great trouble.  Other than that, I think that it comes down to trust.  We have trust in oneanother that we won't go splurging and that we communicate with each other what we plan to buy, either for ourselves, for each other, or for the kids.  I think this works.  


 Except for a brief six-month period in a small house, Trollina and I have always had two separate bathrooms and two bedrooms as well. Hers is always the larger one, and functions as the "togetherness place", and mine functions as the place where I keep my clothing and other things.    
one must be intelligent to get intelligent answers.
— bebu


Russ wrote:
So... you want him to buy you a new car and a new wardrobe with his money that you gave him permission to?

   In a word......................................... YEP.

  Don't forget diamond ring. Need diamond ring thrown in as well.  
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Lol, and a diamond Ring... I hope my gf doesnt sign up here, you will be a bad influence on her.

  We are starting to talk about a car for her. She doesnt like any of the two vehicles I have. Ones too big for her and on the other its far too tall and its stick.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


You did know an engagement ring is on the horizon....................................right?

  What kinda car is she looking for? I personally want that Lexus model that parellel parks itself since I suck at parallel parking.  
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


 [span style="font-style: italic; color: rgb(128, 0, 0);"] Lise wrote:[/span] [div style="font-style: italic; color: rgb(128, 0, 0);"] Don't forget diamond ring. Need diamond ring thrown in as well.[/div]
Diamonds? Ooh. Nope. No way. Do me a favour. Google "diamonds Sierra Leone" before you have anyone buy you a diamond.
one must be intelligent to get intelligent answers.
— bebu