TORONTO (CP) - The stereotype of the Canadian as a beer swillin' hockey nut is alive and well on the Internet, thanks to the computer prowess of a bunch of teenage Americans.
Young fans of the parody song "Canadian Idiot" by Weird Al Yankovic have supplied the Net with cheeky homemade music videos about the Great White North's "Monopoly money" and "silly accent."
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The reason I like this article is not because it's about Weird Al but for the quote below:
Canadians shouldn't be offended by Weird Al's lyrics, says [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff40" #ffff40?]Phil McCracken[/FONT], a 13-year-old fan from Columbus, Ohio.
"It's really making fun of the Americans and their views on the Canadians," says [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff40" #ffff40?]McCracken[/FONT], who acts out each verse of the song in his simple video.