The REAL Brian Atene responds

Started by TehBorken, Nov 23 06 04:32

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  [h3]          The REAL Brian Atene responds         [/h3](If you haven't seen the [a href=""]first Brian Atene video[/a], you've GOT to watch it first or NONE of this will make any sense at all.)

Last month, I think I posted a video of [a href=""]Brian Atene[/a], the young SUPER-MEGA-arrogant kid who made an audition tape for Stanley Kubrick's [em]Full Metal Jacket[/em] casting call in 1984. Then there was a post made to YouTube of a guy claiming to be Brian Atene. It turns out he was a fake. Here's the REAL Brian Atene.   [blockquote]Well, Brian Atene himself has posted a video response to his 1984 tape, and he more or less admits that the video wasn't a joke. This isn't one of the lame fake Atene videos that popped up on YouTube in the wake of the original video—it really is Atene this time. If you skip the first two (very weird) minutes, this new video is pretty entertaining. Atene seems off his rocker, but he's also weirdly charismatic. Among other things, he says he didn't actually send the famous tape to Kubrick; he made two tapes and ended up submitting the other one. [br clear="all"][/blockquote]  I actually like the first two minutes. He's funny and is trying to make something noble come from his sudden embarrassing internet fame:   [a href=""]Link[/a]      
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.