Seinfied's Kramer lost his cool

Started by Lise, Nov 20 06 02:33

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Russ yes!

Drat, I cant edit my posts.

  Sorry SD, didnt notice your question.

  Yes, Im a marine engineer. I work on vessels offshore africa and china. Like china, am tired of africa.    


 Lise wrote:
Oh now, it's plain crazy!! The two hecklers are now asking for compensation. A public apology from Richards should be sufficient. He's already been branded and humilated. I think they should let the past be.

Crazy you say ? Isn't it obvious to any who have eyes AND dare to see what kind of a**holes those two really are ? I already said it before : they probably did it on purpose, knowingly, with the intention to break his career.

"Racial slurs" are far too good a treatment for that kind of "persons" !!!
Just think of the kind of treatment THEY would inflict on people they don't like, if they had only half a chance !

And you people think "racial slurs" are the most horrid crime inimaginable ?

Are you really THAT STUPID ?

Actually you are.

(formerly successively known as JGG, Mutilated Mind and Jolly Green Giant, all of which having been, to all practical intents and purposes, stolen)


The SHEER EVIL of it ... I can't believe it.

They called him a " washed up cracka" first. They were in a group of ... how many ? Twenty people ! In an ill-lit room, while Richards was up there on stage.

And now this lawyer is turning the whole thing around and Richards is the evil guy ... he "singled them" out !!!

This is too incredible for words !!!

And one of those two even has the gall of stating that he "felt scared" !!!

Scared ? Of what ? Of Richards' hard-hitting fists ?

Just picture the situation (if that's not asking too much)

(formerly successively known as JGG, Jolly Green Giant and Mutilated Mind, all having been, to all practical intents and purposes, stolen)


Nevermind, I am just as stupid, or probably more stupid than any of you.  


He wrote:
Nevermind, I am just as stupid, or probably more stupid than any of you.

Whoever you are, I think you don't even understand what I was writing about. It's probably the sheer frustration of it which makes you steal my nicks.

(formerly known as JGG, Mutilated Mind and Jolly Green Giant, all of which having now been, to all intents and purposes, stolen)


He wrote:
(formerly known as JGG, Mutilated Mind and Jolly Green Giant, all of which having now been, to all intents and purposes, stolen)

I thought you were registered as JGG.  How does one steal your nick?


lol 49er........stay with the tour.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


sorry....I have a habit of wandering off


P.C. wrote:
lol 49er........stay with the tour.

lol Mind your business P.C. lol ... lol lol and lol+ (for good measure)

lol You lol lol don't like someone taking a honest interest in what's happening, do you ?

(formerly known as Him, He, JGG, Mutilated Mind and Jolly Green Giant ... all of which having been, to all practical intents and purposes, stolen)


49er wrote:
He wrote:
He (formerly known as JGG, Mutilated Mind and Jolly Green Giant, all of which having now been, to all intents and purposes, stolen)

I thought you were registered as JGG.  How does one steal your nick?

I am not registered on this site under any nick, 49er.
All the nicks I used have been registered by some a**hole to force me into registering (at first at least), maybe later with the intent to just pester me.
So if you see any of those nicks (such as JGG) as registered - it's not me.

We (formerly known as Him, He, JGG, Mutilated Mind and Jolly Green Giant... all of which having been, to all practical intents and purposes, stolen)


Wow!  Am I like the biggest f*ckTARD, EVAR?!!!!!

We (formerly known as Him, He, JGG, Mutilated Mind and Jolly Green Giant... all of which having been, to all practical intents and purposes, stolen)


We wrote:
Wow!  Am I like the biggest f*ckTARD, EVAR?!!!!!






  We wrote:
We (formerly known as Him, He, JGG, Mutilated Mind and Jolly Green Giant... all of which having been, to all practical intents and purposes, stolen)
I swear, if life had a Stupid Meter, you'd be off the f*cking scale. Oh, look...

[span style="font-family: Courier New; font-weight: bold;"][............/][/span][br style="font-family: Courier New; font-weight: bold;"][span style="font-family: Courier New; font-weight: bold;"]Stupid-O-Meter[/span]

It's pathetically obvious that you like playing the victim role more than anything, but it's just become terribly old and dreary. No one really gives a crap about you or your imagined trials and tribulations. (I can't believe I'm even bothering to respond to you, but it's a slow night around here.) The more I see your drivel the more likely it is that I'll switch the forum over to "registration only".

Anyone with half a brain is already registered, so it's not like it'll make much of a difference to anyone but you. And if it would keep you from soiling the board with your pointless bullshit, it would be worth it. I don't know...I'll have to think about it.

Normally at this point I'd say something like "your thoughts are welcome", but they're not. Other people are welcome to sound off or put forth an opinion but I'll probably just ignore anything you have to say. In spite of that, I order you to respond.

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Order away or f*ck off to your heart's content.
I am just not playing your games, that's all.
If you people actually placed any value on "mature and intelligent conversation", that's what you would do, but you have shown yourselves to be a small-minded bunch of apparently semi-retarded somethings....

My genuine contributions to actual discussion were not appreciated because you people couldn't have those.... be sure I can't really appreciate that. Perhaps now you would drop your stupid little games, so we can go back to "mature and intelligent discussion" ?

We (formerly known as Him, He, JGG, Mutilated Mind and Jolly Green Giant... all of which having been, to all practical intents and purposes, stolen)


We wrote:
Order away or f*ck off to your heart's content.
I am just not playing your games, that's all.
If you people actually placed any value on "mature and intelligent conversation", that's what you would do, but you have shown yourselves to be a small-minded bunch of apparently semi-retarded somethings....

My genuine contributions to actual discussion were not appreciated because you people couldn't have those.... be sure I can't really appreciate that. Perhaps now you would drop your stupid little games, so we can go back to "mature and intelligent discussion" ?

We (formerly known as Him, He, JGG, Mutilated Mind and Jolly Green Giant... all of which having been, to all practical intents and purposes, stolen)

 You are getting chicken poo and rocks in your stocking this year.

 You ara a BAD GIRL!!!

