How very nun-like...

Started by TehBorken, Nov 10 06 08:15

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Mutilated Mind

Lise wrote:
Echo. I hear echoes.

That's because of your empty head, Lise.


Weak. Definitely weak. What nothing else to hiss and spat?
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.

Mutilated Mind

And what do you think YOU are doing, Lise ?


Nothing much, MM. Basically swatting a fly that's been buzzing around here lately.

  Damn if I know why it keeps coming back.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


 Mutilated Mind wrote:
I agree I used an ad hominem and it's something which I usually don't do but it's a long time overdue, not only because of his inbelievably obtuse, insensitive and hateful comments

I won't stipulate to the hatefulness or insensitive bit, but obtuse? Perhaps, perhaps. So....the obtuseness bothers ya, does it? (And I think the word you wanted was "unbelievably". See, I can be pedantic just like, errr, you.) Well, it's a scientific fact that my obtuseness prevents heart disease in laboratory animals and contibutes to my overall cuteness.

but also because he is one of a few here who have been playing nasty little psychological games with me because they don't like my opinions.

Wow, the Paranoia-Meter is almost at the peg. Really, if I was playing psych games with you, you wouldn't know it. And I have no particular like or dislike of your opinions (if that's what you call 'em) I just think you work too hard at being a weenie about the littlest things that no one would otherwise care about..

Maybe they want to prove something... do they want to prove I am "annoying" ?

Lol, you're too late. That was proven about 47 billion posts ago.

Whenever I feel I disagree with one of their opinions (because it's always the same people, so I think there must be a group involvement somewhere),

 Damn! He's on to us. How did he find out about our Secret Meetings where we all solemly swear to hate Mutilated Mind? Is there a traitor in the group?

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


 Mutilated Mind wrote:
That's because of your empty head, Lise.
He SHOOTS! He MISSES! The crowd goes to sleep.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.