The gang that couldn't shoot straight

Started by libdave, Feb 27 06 04:29

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Though my thought on all of this is that it (Chenny shootingincident)  is a distraction from something else they are doing.Much like the magician that has you watch the right hand while the theleft does the work.


 While I doubt he shot someone in the face as a red herring, all the focus on the incident may be a magician's misdirection. Sort of like when Bush decided to make the whole "partial-birth abortion" thing a giant to-do so he could sound like a decent guy when everyone was hating on him.

I mean, it's sort of like saying, "I firmly disapprove of stomping puppies to death..." because if anyone says, "Hey, why all the talk about puppies? Are you trying to evade the real issues at hand?" then everyone can point fingers and say, "Puppy-stomper! Puppy-stomper!"



I shouldn't laugh at that, but it's funny. Puppy-stomper. lol

I guarantee that you'll hear me use that term eventually. I just have to wait for the right moment.  
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Real hunters don't use hunting reservations to hunt. They hunt in the wild. Hunting reservations are like petting zoo's you yell anything and they'll come calling. Its a complete joke.

Hunting Reservations are for rich people wanting to to 'rough it' in the wild.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."