
Started by TehBorken, Oct 18 06 08:55

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Wow, keep that up LondonBoy and I'll bless ya all over, alphabet style.  ;)


If this was DV PureLife honey, this would have made further conversation. But, since this is DS, a forum for nice people like everyone who posts here...I shall refrain from it. But, I must admit, you are a BABE................ ;-)  
If You Believe In The Will Of God, The Will Of Satan Will Never Destroy Thee.



  [FONT size=1]ok....you got me...[/FONT]


LondonBoy wrote:
 If this was DV PureLife honey, this would have made further conversation. But, since this is DS, a forum for nice people like everyone who posts here...I shall refrain from it. But, I must admit, you are a BABE................ ;-)    

 Who says that we're all nice?  Flirting and talking dirty IS a DS Requirement layed out by Teh Borken.  

 Oh, have you received a kiss from Teh?  He kisses everyone who is new here.  Yup, it's in the Subject to Conditions in the rules.  ;)



 purelife wrote:
Oh, have you received a kiss from Teh?  He kisses everyone who is new here.  Yup, it's in the Subject to Conditions in the rules.  ;)
 Errr, that's for the ladies only.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


My goodness, TB... why discriminate against the lads, as well? I'm sure your kisses fit all walks of life.

  I've managed to keep my weight steady during pregnancy and you can bet, it's all because of the good work from the dietitians there. Eliminating carbohydrates like bread and bagels isn't always the best choice. By deleting these items from your daily diet, you're missing out on stuff like fibre.

  The trick is to choose the right and healthy choices - bread/bagel with sprouted wheat, whole wheat is your best option. If you're watching your weight, instead of reaching for that second helping of dessert, limit to maybe half then you can have your bread/bagel intake.

  purelife - I absolutely hate the pills. Not only did I gain weight like you, I also find that I tend to break out in spots. Since getting off the pills, I found I had more energy and generally feel a heck lot better. Plus my weight stayed off.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Which brand(s) were you on?

I know that there is know such pill that will make you lose weight.  I have no choice really.

I cut down on my calories and exercise at the same time.  AARGH!  It's damn frustration.  And me, I don't trust the condoms.  

Oh well, girls have to go through some sacrifices so that we don't get pregnant!


I can't remember, purelife but it's the one with the red sunflower on it.(??)

  Yeah, I know... sometimes you kinda wish the men would snip snip snip so we don't have to take the pills.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Lise wrote:
 I can't remember, purelife but it's the one with the red sunflower on it.(??)

Yeah, I know... sometimes you kinda wish the men would snip snip snip so we don't have to take the pills. [/DIV]
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


i thought i hear the other day that there is a birth control pill that makes you lose weight. if only i could patent that.


 Lise wrote:
Yeah, I know... sometimes you kinda wish the men would [em]snip snip snip[/em] so we don't have to take the pills.
 Already done. So.....meet?  lol  
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


  Lise wrote:
My goodness, TB... why discriminate against the lads, as well?

It's not that.....it's just that if I tried it now and found that I liked it, I'd hate myself for missing it all these years.

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


kingy wrote:
i thought i hear the other day that there is a birth control pill that makes you lose weight. if only i could patent that.

  kingy - I don't know about that but yeah, it'd be great if there was a magic pill that could not only stop you from ovulating but also lose weight.

  Worst part than gainig weight  - lowering of sex drive. Meep.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.