No-Fly lists even dumber than suspected

Started by TehBorken, Oct 18 06 07:33

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[font style="font-weight: normal;" size="2"]via BB[/font][h3]No-Fly lists even dumber than suspected         [/h3] If you've been paying attention, you already know that the TSA's No-Fly list and secondary screening lists are a joke, but even so, this excellent investigative piece from CBS News will blow your mind. The TSA's lists contain people who are dead. They contain the presidents of foreign countries. They contain incredibly common names like "Robert Johnson." These farcical lists are supposed to secure the skies, and the way they're supposed to do it is by denying air travel to thousands of innocent people (without catching a guilty person smart enough to use a fake ID). Even worse, because the gargantuan lists have to be widely circulated, the CIA won't allow the names of actual terrorist suspects to be added to them -- in other words, the No Fly lists [em]only[/em] contain the names of people who aren't under any serious suspicion.  [blockquote] "We got a look at the No Fly List from March. And included on that list were 14 of the 19 September 11th hijackers. How do you explain that?" Kroft asks. "Well, just because a person has died doesn't necessarily mean that their identity has died. People sometime carry the identities of people who have died," she says. [/p]"What you are saying is that you have no information that this person is alive and poses a threat. It's just a name in the database," Kroft asks. [/p]"In order fort the name to get in the data base there has to be information that they are a known suspected terrorist," Bucella says. [/p]"So you are saying it's just a coincidence that there are 14 names in the computer that match the names of 9/11 terrorists. I mean, the people that are on the list have the same date of births as the people that were killed in the – that died in – the suicide bombers from 9/11. I mean, how do you account for that?" Kroft asks. [/p]Bucella asked how recent this watch list was. When told it was from March, she said, "For some reason the agency might not necessarily want to have taken the name off the list. I can't explain that." [/p]"Also on the list is Francois Genoud, who was a Nazi sympathizer and financier of Arab terrorism. Been dead for ten years," Kroft remarks. [/p][/blockquote]  [a href=""]Link[/a]
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]"Robert Johnson"?  There are [span style="font-weight: bold;" class="result"]38,281[/span] people in the U.S. named "Robert Johnson". That's almost 40,000 people on the list who simply cannot fly, all because they have a common name. And don't forget Teddy Kennedy was on the list- yes, Senator Teddy Kennedy- arguably one of the most recognizable people in the entire United States. He had to appeal to John Ashcroft to get his name off the list. Simply incredible.

The President of Bolivia is on the list- do you think the the President of Bolivia is going to hijack an airplane?? I don't. This is just such utter bullshit that it's hard to imagine.

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.