Ghost Stories

Started by purelife, Oct 14 06 09:01

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 Do you think ghosts exists out there?  Have you encountered any ghosts or have heard of any true ghost stories?
 I've been in places where I just feel like I'm not alone in the room.  I could sometimes feel that cold air around me in certain areas.  It's kinda creepy but I usually find some way to distract myself.


    [a href=""][img]" alt="Mary Fulford (1856-1946)" align="right" height="225" width="178"][/a]       Mary Fulford (1856-1946)[/h3]Correspondence between Mary Fulford and Mackenzie King began in the 1920s and, by the early 1930s, she is regularly mentioned in his diary. She and King were both interested in spiritualism. In February 1932, Mary Fulford introduced King to the Detroit medium Etta Wriedt. King attended seances with Mrs. Wriedt at Fulford Place. Mary Fulford visited King in Ottawa on several occasions and attended seances with him there.    


What a creepy subject. And I hate the mention of the G-spot... I mean, G-word.....

  London is full of creepy stuff. I kid you not. Just going underground, y'know.... the Dungeons of London is enough to give you a fright. I got the willies just thinking about it. Some parts where the hairs at the back of your neck stand up.

  Then I was in Victoria visiting Craigdarroch Castle. There were some parts, I think the servant quarters where I was not very comfortable. Y'know... like something's not right but at the same time you can't put a finger on it. I was a bit freaked out. Couldn't wait to get out to be honest. I would NEVER go back there.

[A href=""][/A]
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Can't say that I give much credence to ghosts. But I've been in one or two places where unexplained things have happened around me.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Have you tried to put a name to the inexplicable things?  What do you THINK they may have been?

When something that can't be explained happens around me, I can't let it go, until I can at the very least make up an explanation I can live with.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


My old high school was on a haunted list. Don't understand why. But there's a couple places around here where kids have died on railroad tracks where if you go over them, stop, put the car in neutral and something will push the car or truck over the tracks so you don't get hit by a train. Little things like that.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Speaking of haunted schools, I believe my old elementary school was haunted. Afterall, you can't get any creepier than having the toilets built right next to an old cemetary, can you?
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


P.C. wrote:
 Have you tried to put a name to the inexplicable things?  What do you THINK they may have been?

There have been things like pictures which were hanging on hooks, repetitively crashing down to the floor at a certain time of day. What do I think these inexplicable things may have been? No idea - I find the bewildering happenings of the everyday enough to concern myself about.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Thank goodness I'm not alone right now whilst reading these posts.  I get freaked out easily.  I'm a chicken pussy when it comes to ghosts and scary movies.

  Yeah, my old elementary school used to be a hospital or at least above a grave and the girls washrooms were always freaky.  There was this one time that I had to use the bathroom after lunch alone.  I walked in and I was positive that nobody was in there until I started to hear doors creaking and toilets flushing that I started to zoom out the door.  Oh, I dreaded being alone.