Words and Deeds

Started by Quenyar, Feb 27 06 03:06

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We used to be a nation of laws. People all over the world might criticize us for this or that, but they always had to admit that we were a nation committed to law and order. This is regrettably no longer true. We are all affected -- tarred with unspeakable crimes and unpardonable offenses -- for which we and our children will be held responsible.[/p][!-- End Summary --][!-- Begin Body --]At the end of WWII, the aim of German soldiers was to surrender to the US or British -- anything to avoid being captured by the Russians. They trusted us to treat them humanely -- that we would at least uphold the letter of the law. Sometimes that was a good assumption. It was the commonly held belief, both at home and abroad, that Americans were good people generally and that good people obeyed the law; particularly our own Constitution and the Geneva Conventions.[/p]This theme was pounded in again and again by Hollywood films that portrayed the crimes of the evil enemies we'd fought and overcome. They were cheats and liars who used torture and deceit to achieve their evil ends at any cost and by any means. We were good and virtuous and law abiding. Even when we were at war with an unprincipled Communist adversary, still, we played fair and treated our POWs humanely. We were proud of being signatories to the Geneva Conventions and we abhorred and denounced people who were not. It was the Viet Kong who tortured our POWs and treated them inhumanely. In places like the "Hanoi Hilton" our soldiers were maimed and maltreated, kept in "tiger cages" and tortured into fake confessions and other indignities.[/p]We accepted this picture of our national virtue as gospel. When it turned out that some of our men (and women) did bad things -- often the same things we railed about the enemy doing -- we held a trial and punished these exceptions, and vowed never to let it happen again.[/p]It was a nice idea, while it lasted.[/p]Our government today proclaims its right to torture people, if they feel they have a good reason to. We maintain prison camps in many places, such as Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. We kidnap people in our own country and elsewhere, sending them to be tortured or killed in other countries (extraordinary rendition). We maintain the largest school of terrorism and torture in the world (The School of the Americas (SOA), in 2001 renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation,), whose graduates have committed some of the worst atrocities in the Western Hemisphere in the past fifty years.[/p]Some of my more right-wing associates say things like: "so what?" "you don't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs" "you can't fight terrorism with a bunch of boy scouts" "You can't make the nation safe by praying for peace."[/p]I can understand their attitude, but what I can't do is rationalize amoral worldpolitik into a moral stance with mom and apple pie and little Johnny playing in the yard. I can't do this because I can't ethically do things to people that I don't want them to do to me. Didn't these people ever hear of the golden rule? If it is wrong, you shouldn't do it, even if it works. Isn't that the basic foundation for all past and current theories on how to get into heaven?[/p]I keep coming back to Sir Thomas Moore: "I think that when statesmen forsake their private conscience for the sake of their public duties, they lead their country by a short route to chaos." The contemporary science fiction writer Octavia Butler said much the same, when she elaborated:[/p][blockquote]Choose your leaders with wisdom and forethought.
To be led by a coward is to be controlled by all that the coward fears.
To be led by a fool is to be led by the opportunists who control the fool.
To be led by a thief is to offer up your most precious treasures to be stolen.
To be led by a liar is to ask to be lied to.
To be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you love into slavery."
[/blockquote]In the modern world, we need to judge things not by the words that are used by the proponents of this, or detractors of that, but on the effect that this or that has upon the world as a whole and its people. Similarly, we have to cast off the fantasies and phantoms woven by skillful liars in description of the men and women who lead us, and evaluate them instead on the scales of our own hearts by their own deeds and the effect that those deeds have had upon others.[blockquote][blockquote][!-- End Body --][/blockquote][/blockquote]


Thanks Quenyar! Damn. It's like old home week here, first libdave and now Q. (Quenyar and I worked a contract gig together at AT&T just before they were bought by Cingular. See, I get around. :)

A collection of his other essays is going to be online soon on another site shortly, and I'll post the URL once he's done fussing with them. If you liked that, I suspect you'll like the other ones too.  
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


I don't need a blog I have DS.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sportsdude wrote:
I don't need a blog I have DS.

I've been shamelessly begging him to post his essays here. They're genuinely good and I don't say that lightly.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


What a wonderful essay!  These principles should be drilled into the heads of every aspiring politician.   I've never understood how a person could  cheat and lie, and still claim to be serving their constituents.  In Canada they are called Honourable Members, although many have showed a distinct lack of honour.  I don't really believe you necessarily get the government you deserve.  Many politicians are elected on the basis of a lot of false promises.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


 I have to wonder: Might it not be the case that rather than Americans having been more decent and fair back in the Good Old Days, we were simply more invested in that image, promoted it more rigorously, and still been a fresh and idealistic enough populace to buy it?

America is a VERY young country. Like any pioneering endeavor, we came out of the gate full of big dreams, firmly believing in our noble intentions, our moral high ground, the wind snapping in our sails and our caps at a jaunty angle, so to speak. But ultimately, the country is not run by ideals, it is run by people. And people do not always do the right thing.

Don't get me wrong -- I'm not a misanthrope or a pessimist. Like Anne Frank, I believe that people are basically good. But right from the start, there were some people who fought dirty in order to win. Remember smallpox blankets? We're no different now. I think it may just be the case that in the "information age," it is harder to hide our bad behavior.

weird al

People love to say, "You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs."[/DIV]I like to reply,  "true, but you can break eggs without making an omelet."