paging weird al

Started by female, Oct 10 06 01:36

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weird al

I was just browsing dv. Kind of sedate rt. now (for dv) Liked this quote though:

  Be happy that you didn't come here in a fragile state expecting sympathy or a virtual shoulder to cry on, and that you have emerged (relatively) unscathed, and, hopefully, somewhat more understanding of the danger that lurks in these shark-infested waters.

Vancouver may not be ALL bad, but the worst all seem to find their way here: it's what makes this place so special, yet often so horrible! :)

...Left a message at 3rd & Pike (by the liquor store, just off Main)




i like it too:)

g night al:)


female wrote:
  hey G:)
i believe you that - but i don't know if i could handle one more forum - the "other place" takes up all my energy, my blood, my meat and my brain:)

 How come men don't have this problem?

Because we know how to keep our brain where our meat is. [A onclick="addImg('icon/icon_smile_big.gif')" href="jvascript:void(0)"][/A]

  You see, you keep your brain energized by fully gorging your meat with all the blood you need to survive.

Once your energy is solely focused on this task, then there isn't much energy that is left that DV can take away from you anyway.

*  Please unban me!! please please please  *



err.. no


Well maybe you need someone to tutor you then. Remember, practise makes perfect.

[img onclick=smile(this.src) src=""]
*  Please unban me!! please please please  *


whoteva moooolah :)
liked the smiley btw:))

anywho... paging weird alllllllllllllllllllll


weird al


not much, got to run, do things around the house.........

just thought i had to yak with weird al for a minute:)
how's your day?


 gtg :(
 miss the yakking...

weird al

note to self: must yak more.

missed you.

fair to middlin' day - you?

futzing around with strata-type stuff; sometimes seems like getting anything done in a strata property is like herding cats. sheesh!

  mo layta    


i like it when you say mo layta :))

i think i'll just start copying you from now on Mr. weird al!

g nayta:)



And goodnight to you, too!
A fool's paradise is better than none.



Still there, wa?
A fool's paradise is better than none.

weird al

Gopher wrote:
 Still there, wa?

  wha? Oh, you mean me? No, I split the scene aeons ago!

Oh, like now, you mean....yeah, I'm still here (again), but I won't be when you read this. But I'll be back, baby!!
