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[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"][h3]School shootings: malignant, contagious social meme?
[/h3]On September 14, Canadian [a href="vny!://"]Kimveer Gill[/a] attacked. He was said to have had a fondness for the Columbine shooters (he certainly [a href="vny!://"]loved the game[/a]). A [a href="vny!://,21598,20501824-5005361,00.html"]number[/a] of [a href="vny!://"]similarly[/a] of [a href="vny!://"]deadly[/a] [a href="vny!://"]incidents[/a] followed, right up to [a href="vny!://"]today's death spree at an Amish school[/a] in Pennsylvania. Seems like a lot in a short period of time. Coincidence, or social phenomenon? Coleman is a suicide prevention and school violence researcher and consultant, and author of [a href="vny!://"]Suicide Cluster[/a] (1987) and [a href="vny!://"]The Copycat Effect[/a] (2004). He writes: [/p][blockquote]Here is what I am finding: * Most contemporary school shootings tend to occur primarily during two periods of the school year - at the beginning (late Aug through October) and near the the end of the academic year (March-April). [/p] * Copycats follow a regular temporal pattern that repeats - these could be after a primary media event in a day, a week, two weeks, a month, a year, ten years - vulnerable humans have internal media clocks. [/p] * Copycats imitate the previous violent attacks, oftentimes down to specific details as that mirror the previous specifics of the shooter, the victims, and the methods. [/p] * "Celebrity" events have a far-reaching impact and modeling effect -- so, of course, Columbine serves as a dark cloud over many school shootings. [/p] One of the silliest things I have heard from cable news in the last several days during mid-September 2006, is that "these school shootings aren't like the other school shootings." This is short-sighted, and factually untrue.[/p] Before the current model (post-1996) in which a member of the student body would go into their own school and kill fellow students, the pattern was one of outsiders -- often adults -- going into schools and killing students. In my book, I discuss some of the more infamous cases (...). Every year is different, and a fresh view must be considered based upon observations that are right in front of our eyes. What I do at the beginning of a new school year is to see if there is an emerging pattern that will be the re-worked "copycat" model for the new school year. To me, it was and is obvious where we were going this year.
Here's what I see: a mix of outsiders invading school, and students making plans too (...)[/p][/blockquote] [a href="vny!://"]Link[/a] to the website for Coleman's "Copycat Effect" book, with the full text of this essay. [a href="vny!://"]Here's a related post on his blog[/a], in which he predicts more shootings in October as the social contagion spreads during this present cycle.