Started by Paul, Sep 15 06 10:38

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What is this 8 months of rain thing? I have been living out here since last October and dont recall 8 months of rain. And ppl make it sound like its if. Yeah, i am a wuss (re: previous comment on my constitution), spent almost my whole life living in Alberta and dealing with that shit weather, so i think i am an expert on that topic! Anyway, i live in an area where i dont see any drug addicts and havent had my car stolen (knock wood) it doesnt feel like a huge problem (city hall area) have to decide on a decent area to live, then move there right?
It is what it is.

Murmen Thurmen

greycat wrote:
What is this 8 months of rain thing? I have been living out here since last October and dont recall 8 months of rain. And ppl make it sound like its if. Yeah, i am a wuss (re: previous comment on my constitution), spent almost my whole life living in Alberta and dealing with that shit weather, so i think i am an expert on that topic! Anyway, i live in an area where i dont see any drug addicts and havent had my car stolen (knock wood) it doesnt feel like a huge problem (city hall area) have to decide on a decent area to live, then move there right?

   8 Months of maybe not hardcore rain, but grey clouds, drizzle, and YES! some rain..who cares? its all personal preference! Why are you comparing Alberta anyways? Paul is from Ottawa. And YES, some people love Alberta weather!!! You are an expert? The only thing you are an expert on is your own personal preference. Whatever you dig right? To each their own. I wish I lived there.

  Maybe Vancouver wouldn't have such a major drug problem if people like greycat and Lise didn't just turn their backs on the issue and pretend it doesn't exist!?


Vancouvers drug problem is overrated. As somone said the homeless people come to Vancouver in the winter because its the only place in Canada that doesn't freeze.

  Winterpeg has more of a crisis with homeless people then Vancouver does.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


..wrong again sportsdude..  

Thurmen Murmen

Sportsdude wrote:
Vancouvers drug problem is overrated. As somone said the homeless people come to Vancouver in the winter because its the only place in Canada that doesn't freeze.

Winterpeg has more of a crisis with homeless people then Vancouver does.

Whoever gave you that info is misguided! In fact, its opposite. Vancouver's drug and homeless population has overflown to the breaking point (on its own), and in fact, a lot of people from Vancouver have been moved to Calgary and Edmonton. Now the drop in centres and shelters in those cities are overflown. Calgary, not only took in a major Vancouver overflow, has also a housing crisis that brought many people into the shelters. All major cities are now in crisis mode. So whoever told you, homeless people move to Vancouver because of winter coldness is full of sh*t! I know people that work at AADAC in Alberta that may beg to differ.      


Listen people will always come out to the west coast. Look at LA in California for example. People move there even if they are homeless.

  Homeless don't bother me, heck druggies don't bother me. Its a fact of life really. Now when you get druggies with guns like we have here in america or guns with the poor in general, then you have a problem.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Thurmen Murmen

Sportsdude wrote:
Listen people will always come out to the west coast. Look at LA in California for example. People move there even if they are homeless.

  I meant the heroin addicts and such, not just homeless. They haven't moved to Calgary for jobs either, they were put there as there used to be more resouces available for them.  Not anymore.


Murmen Thurmen wrote:
Maybe Vancouver wouldn't have such a major drug problem if people like greycat and Lise didn't just turn their backs on the issue and pretend it doesn't exist!?

Ah - pretending, pretending....


If I do decide to move to Vancouver, I m thinking about opening a business (pet related), but not sure what the business climate is like right now.  I hear people are cash strapped because of the high cost of real estate and they have very little left to spend on anything else except for necessities.  If most people are house poor- this might not be a favourable situation for someone new starting out.   It s interesting but some people say it s a great place for new entrepreneurs and business in general - yet others say there s no way in heck you can make it in Vancouver.  I remember in the early 90 s  the city was just starting to make a mark- lots of new construction, new businesses sprouting up everywhere etc- somehow, it now seems to be a very saturated market and to boot the cost of living or doing business has skyrocketed!  I m kicking myself for not making the move 15 years ago when all things seemed more reasonable.  
What do you guys think or know of the market in Vancouver  


Vancouver has a nice science centre.

...and a mediocre hockey team...has CFL Football too! also a WHL team and the night life is there, just pretty mellow compared to a city like Seattle. vancouver is rather sleepy in comparison. But sleepy is good too...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....


If you are into nightlife and stuff like that, Vancouver is not a place for you, it is quite boring in this sense. But if you like the outdoors and being surrounded by likeminded people, it's a paradise. Also, if you are thinking about moving here, you have to be extremely culturally tolerant, because probably around 90% of the population here are Chinese.

You are right...

Dummy wrote:
If you are into nightlife and stuff like that, Vancouver is not a place for you, it is quite boring in this sense. But if you like the outdoors and being surrounded by likeminded people, it's a paradise. Also, if you are thinking about moving here, you have to be extremely culturally tolerant, because probably around 90% of the population here are Chinese. [/DIV] ARE a dummy!


Sportsdude wrote:
Listen people will always come out to the west coast. Look at LA in California for example. People move there even if they are homeless.

 people move to California because of weather and generous welfare system

PJ & Da Nare

49er wrote:
Sportsdude wrote:
Listen people will always come out to the west coast. Look at LA in California for example. People move there even if they are homeless.

 people move to California because of weather and generous welfare system[/DIV]
 Also, to study earthquakes. Seismologist?? (sp?), I think they are called?

  49er, must be in the Bay area? beautiful place!


49er wrote:
people move to California because of weather and generous welfare system

Lots of them are Mexican immigrants who move to California with hopes of getting California back.
