[DIV class=ItemHeadline]from [A href="vny!://www.BradBlog.com"]www.BradBlog.com[/A] BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Judge Finds in Favor of Voter Lawsuit Against E-Voting Systems in Colorado! Judge Finds in Favor of Voter Lawsuit Against E-Voting Systems in Colorado!
[DIV class=ItemSubHeadline]Plaintiff Rep Says Machines to be Allowed in November, With New Security Measures, But Must Be Recertified From Scratch Thereafter
[DIV class=ItemSubSubHeadline][UPDATED Now to include CNN's Initial Coverage, Official VoterAction.org Statement, Trial Testimony and Depositions from the case.][/DIV]--- [img hspace=6 src="vny!://www.bradblog.com/Images/Siren.gif" align=left vspace=3 border=0]I just received a phone call from Holly Jacobson of [A href="vny!://www.voteraction.org/"]VoterAction.org[/A], the group that has supported voter lawsuits attempting to decertify e-voting machines in Colorado, California, Arizona, Pennsylvania and elsewhere.
She called us from Colorado just after leaving the courtroom, where the case in that state against the use and purchase of e-voting systems made by Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia and Hart InterCivic was being heard yesterday. She called and said: "We won!"
[A href="vny!://www.bradblog.com/?p=3515#more-3515"]CLICK HERE to read rest of article[/A]