Has any other US president ever done as much damage to the US as Bush has?
In a move that has been termed '[a href="vny!://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_frank_j__060829_bush_nixes_public_ac.htm"]positively Orwellian[/a]' by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility Executive Director Jeff Ruch, George W. Bush is [a href="vny!://www.peer.org/news/news_id.php?row_id=735"]ending public access to research materials[/a] at EPA regional libraries without Congressional consent.
This all-out effort to impede research and public access is a [loosely] covert operation to close down 26 technical libraries under the guise of budgetary constraint. Scientists are protesting, but at least 15 of the libraries will be closed by Sept. 30, 2006.