[h3]Northwest Airlines tells fired employees to dumpster dive [/h3] [a href="vny!://upgradetravel.blogspot.com/"]Better Living Through Miles[/a] says: [blockquote]Northwest Airlines published a pamphlet for employees with the sadly realistic title "Preparing for a Financial Setback" and included a section labeled "101 Ways to Save Money." Some of those "ways" suggested not being "shy about pulling something you like out of the trash."[br clear="all"][/blockquote] [a href="vny!://today.reuters.com/news/articleinvesting.aspx?view=CN&storyID=2006-08-15T201649Z_01_N15420743_RTRIDST_0_AIRLINES-NORTHWEST.XML&rpc=66&type=qcna"]Link[/a]